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Grandpa Kicks Ass thwarting Robbers at Irish Bookmaker Shop

Tags: bookmaker, Denis OConnor, grandpa, Ireland, robbery.
Posted on 19 September 2018 by "T".

Have you heard of the elderly chap that literally kicked ass as he tried to stop an armed robbery at a bookmaker shop in Ireland?

The octogenarian grandpa Denis O'Connor was able to help stop an armed robbery at Bar One Racing, a bookmaker shop in Glanmire, Co Cork, Ireland.

Steely Calm in the Face of Danger
A surveillance camera captured the video that showed at 6:23pm on September 15 Saturday, three men (maybe in their 20's or 30's) barged in the small shop where O'Connor and another man were watching races, while shop manager Tim Murphy (left in picture) was just behind the counter. Two of the attackers wielding hammers went for Murphy - one jumped over the counter while the other went around after failing to jump over. The third suspect pointed a shotgun at O'Connor and his companion.

While the gunman's attention was on O'Connor's companion who dived to the floor (probably demanding to give him his cash), O'Connor went to the hammer-wielders behind the counter. Without any hesitation, he grappled the first one he encountered, which caused the suspect to quickly escape to the door, with the gunman close behind.

As O'Connor went back in, the third robber who got free from the hold of the shop manager stumbled down as O'Connor swiftly performed a shin kick and then kicked his butt as he escaped. The three robbers managed to get away, empty-handed and shaken (for sure).

Watch the video here:

When asked why he jumped into action instead of not resisting to be on the safe side, O'Connor replied, "Tim the manager is a very nice young man and I just couldn't not help him. I ignored the fellow with the gun and I went behind the counter. I just didn't think about what I was doing. Sometimes you can just sit down and do nothing or you can stand up to people like these and that's what I did."

He said that it felt really good to give the third man "a kick up the backside."

Murphy praised O'Connor and called him a "true hero" and that he "will be well looked after".

Denis O'Connor works out in the local gym, plays pitch and putt, takes daily walks and swims. He said, "I keep fit. I go to the gym and a do a bit of swimming. I suppose you could say I am fit."

Wife not Happy
O'Connor, who will turn 85 years old in November 25, told Teresa (his wife of almost 60 years) about the incident, and she was not happy when she learned about it.

"When I told my wife what happened, she didn't really understand what I did until she saw the video today [Sunday]. I don't think she was too pleased but she was proud of what I did."

He had to promise her that he would never do that kind of thing again.



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15 comments on "Grandpa Kicks Ass thwarting Robbers at Irish Bookmaker Shop"

 doubletop77719/09/2018 08:34:15 GMT
What a fantastic story and i really enjoyed watching this on the news. This guy deserves some kind of medal for his actions. I really hope that the bookmakers make a fuss of him and he gets quite a few free bets out of it at least
 dule-vu19/09/2018 13:35:45 GMT
cant believe what I see at this video!he have 85 years and hi did something like this!as I see he is strong for his age and he fight with young mens like its their ages!he could get injuries,but its good that everything finished on good side!
 Mober19/09/2018 17:00:03 GMT
For an 85 year old he sure has some stamina, chasing and kicking Smile the robbers.
Not that it was something smart though what he did.
It doesnt worth risking your life to prevent a robbery, like the policeman also noted.
 Gerimantas19/09/2018 19:46:06 GMT
Wow what a cool guy, i feel that i am old guy but he is ilder than me and he is so brave and attack the robbers and also much better form than me, of course it is like he say he works out in gym and fo some swimming and i not do anything but sit and watch some movies. Very good guy to help bookmaker shop manager, more guys like him
 CALICUL19/09/2018 21:58:28 GMT
This octogenary managed to frighten those young attackers. If he had not been there perhaps the robbery would have succeeded, because the other person who was in this bookmaker shop, he had been sitting under the chairs when he saw the attackers and shop manager, i do not think he could stop the robbery. This brave old man deserve respect and a cash prize. Blink
 pajalnick20/09/2018 00:19:21 GMT
What an Incredible story .... in 85 years to confront the three robbers is something unthinkable .... Of course he was lucky that such robbers caught the cowardly .... and just did not shoot him ..... but it could be so .... it would be a completely different story ..... sad ..... cool Grandfather .... a very cool Grandfather
 Mober20/09/2018 18:44:00 GMT
It is something that you can say you dont believe, unless seeing it with your own eyes.
It is remarkable, and it shows, that he still has guts Smile
It wouldnt be a surprise if he got some nice "rewards" to play in the establishment Smile
They already said he will be looked after...
 dule-vu21/09/2018 09:49:16 GMT
dont know what they exactly did have in hands,but he didnt want to let them down!now its all good,when its finished,but if they shot him or to do with knife something,that it will be sad story for all!but he was very brave!
 Gerimantas21/09/2018 12:53:12 GMT
Of course i read and understand that his wife is not happy because thia situation, it is risk and he is of course fit but opponent has gun and can shoot grandpa so not very good move to make, and not is risk so better not fo anything and be safe
 maragatero21/09/2018 14:01:01 GMT
The new mode must be changed during a tournament with real money because smart players will know who you are or how you play. The strategy of hold'em Texas is the most valid in tournaments with big buy-in or in cash with big money of course. At the small stakes, it matters less because there is playing like in the jungle... many savages which plays everything cards with all in.
 TheIrish7721/09/2018 17:20:19 GMT
Yeah saw this yesterday on Worldstar and it was funny as hell. old people are tough as hell especially with all these soft ass kids who can't just throw down anymore.
 dule-vu22/09/2018 10:19:38 GMT
Posted by maragatero:
The new mode must be changed during a tournament with real money because smart players will know who you are or how you play. The strategy of hold'em Texas is the most valid in tournaments with big buy-in or in cash with big money of course. At the small stakes, it matters less because there is playing like in the jungle... many savages which plays everything cards with all in.

maragatero you are a bit in wrong thread and probably you wanted to post in some other thread about this thing of playing texas holdem and strategy of your play!
this grandpa is main story now,but everything would be sad story if there was some older criminals,not this younger mens or kids!
 Calmplay23/09/2018 09:08:50 GMT
I saw the clip's thumbnail somewhere and I thought it was a fake stuff so I did not watch it as I was in a hurry. So aparently it is real and will search for the video as soon as I will have time Big Smile I hope that he got a small reward fot this heroic gesture.

 dule-vu23/09/2018 10:43:08 GMT
probably he will get free tickets for betting or to bet for whole year for free,who know!he is regular there,so this must be some big reward!its crazy story and lot of young people wouldnt do something like this,why would they,but he was great!
 misteriopj28/09/2018 19:21:28 GMT
Congratulations to the octogenarian for being in shape and acting like a hero and helping the manager of the premises, but he must be careful against whom he faces of equal was a very brave fact

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