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Joined: May '09
Location: India
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 4873
normally i don't care whats happening in the chat unless its someone i know is playing or i see som1 who can go to tilt. its better to concentrate on your game then pay attention to trash talk
Joined: Dec '07
Location: Australia
Age: 46 (M)
Posts: 186
i ignore it 99% of the time - can't really follow what's going on in the chat when you multitable... for that 1% that i don't - its usually on the final table
Joined: Nov '09
Location: Canada
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 302
i try to be always friendly sometimes i find it a bit hard(maby bad mood days) when i think someone is going too far i usually just ask i old he is and 80% of the time he just stops chating ...good thing a lot of concentration lost will chating... not a good thing
Joined: Nov '09
Location: Poland
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 1189
It depends... if i am multitabling i never care about chat and i am ignoring everyone no matter what they say... But if i play 1-4 tables some tournaments or something like that i talk sometimes with ppl cause i'm bored ^^.
Joined: Jun '09
Location: France
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 670
Hello everybody! I love waiting to take a big pot before responding. The guy who wanted to make you tilter is caught at his own game lol. See you soon for new posts! lol
Joined: Jan '10
Location: Moldova, Republic of
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 239
Usaly I dont talk in chat, the most is wasting of time and concentration talking in chat. But sometimes are exceptions and I talka little in poker chat.
I don't like iPoker chat because all what a player says appears at screen. I would like it was like Pokerstars': if you don't want to listen chat, change to statistics tab
Sometimes that has a major impact on my game. I try not to look at the chat at all but it's just too difficult for me. It distracts me a lot and my game suffers as hell. Unfortunately...
Joined: Dec '09
Location: Romania
Age: 34 (M)
Posts: 587
i don't talk very much on chat , but sometimes i pay attention and reply to them ... i find myself saying fucking s******d when they are talking trash first.
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22950
if someone start to insult me I would write insult too!if someone dont touch me wouldnt write a bad names!I hate when someone lose a hand and then start to write horrible things!if you dont know to handle lose dont play!