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How do you react to Poker Chat, Please be honest

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I´m friendly in chat. I´m the kind of players that say 'sorry' when badbeat someone. I never enter in 'ugly' conversations, and no comment hands.

Bye nad aces for all!!

I always chit-chat Big Smile any stupid things what just come in my mind about nicknames or about play, so I prefer Merge Gaming newtwork and their smilies Big Smile

normally i don't care whats happening in the chat unless its someone i know is playing or i see som1 who can go to tilt. its better to concentrate on your game then pay attention to trash talk

i ignore it 99% of the time - can't really follow what's going on in the chat when you multitable...
for that 1% that i don't - its usually on the final table

i try to be always friendly sometimes i find it a bit hard(maby bad mood days)
when i think someone is going too far i usually just ask i old he is and 80% of the time he just stops chating ...good thing
a lot of concentration lost will chating... not a good thing

It depends... if i am multitabling i never care about chat and i am ignoring everyone no matter what they say...
But if i play 1-4 tables some tournaments or something like that i talk sometimes with ppl cause i'm bored ^^.


Normally I do not talk in chat rooms, but if there is any player provoking and insulting

then try not to be deconcentrated in my game and if possible,

attempt to exploit the confusion of the other players.


Hello everybody!
I love waiting to take a big pot before responding. The guy who wanted to make you tilter is caught at his own game lol.
See you soon for new posts! lol Big Smile

i Always disable chat so i can more concatrate on poker en so i dont start losing couz im in midle of the chat Sad

Usaly I dont talk in chat, the most is wasting of time and concentration talking in chat. But sometimes are exceptions and I talka little in poker chat.

I don't like iPoker chat because all what a player says appears at screen. I would like it was like Pokerstars': if you don't want to listen chat, change to statistics tab Blink

Stick them on iggy, I just dont see the point of lowering myself to thier level.

Posted by cartoonhero:
If someone is friendly, I'm friendly too. If they use bad language, I just ignor them, Spank them and take their money Thumbs Up

All in Spade Club Heart Diamond

Big Smile yes there is donkeys and there is people with who you can talk about poker :}

I get involved in trash talk way too often... Sad

Sometimes that has a major impact on my game. I try not to look at the chat at all but it's just too difficult for me. It distracts me a lot and my game suffers as hell. Unfortunately... Sad

i don't talk very much on chat , but sometimes i pay attention and reply to them ...
i find myself saying fucking s******d when they are talking trash first.

Posted by duck_1991:
i find myself saying fucking s******d when they are talking trash first.

Lol, and you never had a chat-ban yet?
Almost had one once at stars, so now I ignore it or say stuff like "I love you to baby" Smile,

if someone start to insult me I would write insult too!if someone dont touch me wouldnt write a bad names!I hate when someone lose a hand and then start to write horrible things!if you dont know to handle lose dont play!

Eye for and Eye
Thats the truth.
If some random idiot starts slating me or the way I played a hand I'll normally let them have it with both barrels. Big Smile

I just close it i hate to play nad chatting at the same time... bad results

Im a totla hot head i go mad, never got a chat bad tho had many warnings lol, But 9/10 i win the arguement and they r put in there place Big Smile

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