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Finally I have done it and it feels great to take down my first tournament, prize was a mere 89.04 Euros and a long way short of my $466 for coming 5th in another, but the buzz is amazing. Mind you, got an earfull of the wife as I nearly woke the baby up .
Heads up lasted 2 hands, I was behind and went all in with pocket pair 5s, and they held to double me up, then he went all-in with AQ and again I had pocket pair 4s, they didnt just hold, I rivered the set.
Just thought I would share with all mobbers and goodluck at the tables all.
Cheers xxxbchxxx, time and patience, I played it perfectly. Sometimes the patience just runs out, but tonight I was on form. Going to bed in a minute, probably wont get much sleep as I am buzzing.
Yeah, I agree, it can only boost your confidence, but it is just nice to be able to say, I HAVE WON A POKER TOURNAMENT, Im sure you know what I mean.
My aim is simple, get to the money, anything else is bonus.
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Age: 45 (M)
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Congrats Exiles, the first one is the best one, you were right to wake the whole house up :}, Im a bighead LOL, and nearly all times HU turns in to a crazy game, this is were you need to keep your head and grab the cash, lots lose it as they dont expect to make it that far and BB sacres them to pushing at bad times.
Joined: Feb '10
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Age: 40 (M)
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Congrats!!! Make sure you use precise bankroll management! dont get "big headed" and move up the a ridiculous stake, trust, I have done it before and got schooled, lost $550cdn in an hour. Good luck
Joined: Dec '09
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yeah the first time that happen to me i was feeling very good play great poker with some luck it always great to win some tourney first was 235 great for a small bankroll
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Age: 35 (M)
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I had won some tournaments but never won any with big cash involded :< It's feels really good when it win... we all want to be the best in everything we do
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Posted by Exiles: Finally I have done it and it feels great to take down my first tournament, prize was a mere 89.04 Euros and a long way short of my $466 for coming 5th in another, but the buzz is amazing. Mind you, got an earfull of the wife as I nearly woke the baby up .
Heads up lasted 2 hands, I was behind and went all in with pocket pair 5s, and they held to double me up, then he went all-in with AQ and again I had pocket pair 4s, they didnt just hold, I rivered the set.
Just thought I would share with all mobbers and goodluck at the tables all.
I am assuming you are talking about online, and did this include freeroll's or just the money game's, I have 5 win's but if you include freeroll's then it's off the chart
Joined: May '09
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Age: 38 (M)
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well done winning your first tournament, if you play a lot you'll surely win more in future. i hav won only 1 till now and it was long ago though it was a small one , i don't play much tournaments now.
Joined: Nov '09
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Age: 51 (M)
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Posted by Exiles: Finally I have done it and it feels great to take down my first tournament, prize was a mere 89.04 Euros and a long way short of my $466 for coming 5th in another, but the buzz is amazing. Mind you, got an earfull of the wife as I nearly woke the baby up .
Heads up lasted 2 hands, I was behind and went all in with pocket pair 5s, and they held to double me up, then he went all-in with AQ and again I had pocket pair 4s, they didnt just hold, I rivered the set.
Just thought I would share with all mobbers and goodluck at the tables all.
a very nice hand, actually ive won some of the mtt's but not at 1st place...