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Posted by cuonthefelt: Congrats!!! Make sure you use precise bankroll management! dont get "big headed" and move up the a ridiculous stake, trust, I have done it before and got schooled, lost $550cdn in an hour. Good luck
I have very tight Bankroll Management, latest 10/02/10 entered $2500 GP freezeout $5 + $0.50 buy-in, finally busted out 4th picking up $186. Low risk, but higher returns.
27/02/10 - Buy-in Free = 5th for $466 = £290 08/02/10 - Euro 1.10 = 1st for 89.04 Euro = £77 10/02/10 - Buy-in $5.50 = 4th for $186 = £119
I dont play enough, maybe 3 - 5 tournaments a week, but have found by playing tournaments only, I feed my hunger for poker and make money to. Cash tables up and down like a yoyo, so now I stick with the tournaments, since switching, my bankroll is going from strength to strength.
Joined: Dec '09
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 43 (M)
Posts: 2087
Well done m8 always good stuff to come first! ive won a few small ones with just 2 or 300 field but still striving for a nice one on pstars got close to a ft table the other. anyway well done
Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
Age: 34 (F)
Posts: 1180
Posted by Exiles: Finally I have done it and it feels great to take down my first tournament, prize was a mere 89.04 Euros and a long way short of my $466 for coming 5th in another, but the buzz is amazing. Mind you, got an earfull of the wife as I nearly woke the baby up .
Heads up lasted 2 hands, I was behind and went all in with pocket pair 5s, and they held to double me up, then he went all-in with AQ and again I had pocket pair 4s, they didnt just hold, I rivered the set.
Just thought I would share with all mobbers and goodluck at the tables all.
Grats grats... Its not big wining (about cash) but its big win (about players) you were the best from them that day Good luck next time and go Up not Down . GL
I would just like to thank everyone for responding to this post, and this is what the forum is about, to share our experiences. Not just the downswings and bad luck, for which there are players here that c0an advise from their own experience, but also the good games when things go right. I am certainly not a brilliant player, but I certainly learn from my mistakes and I am starting to reap the rewards of learning from my mistakes. I dont always post or respond to posts, but I certainly read a lot of the posts and take on board, what is written.
Good luck at the tables all, hopefully not mine though
I don't really play a lot of MTT's for the last 4 or 5 years, since it's difficult for me to tell wether I'll be able to play or not, and wether I will be able to concentrate long enough to finish the tourney. But even though I play very few MTT's, I had 2 first places. The first one was in a rather small tourney, some 300 players only, and a first prize of about 80$, but it made me happy. My second win was somewhat better : I took down a player field of 7700+ players and got a first prize of over 1700$. Now THAT was something that almost made me go crazy, cause suddenly I had all that spare and unexpected money, so I could buy everything my mother, who is a widow with a very little pension, could want or needed. And making someone happy was my best prize
Joined: Feb '10
Location: Poland
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 21
I have won 2 of them. One was freeroll with many players, I dont remember how many. I have win... 10$. It was long ago, I was just starting playing poker. The second one was in the mixed game (NL Holdem/ PLOmaha) with only 100 players and 1$ buyin, but I'm proud of that I have won game that needs skill both in Holdem and Omaha.