Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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I dont think that you will be able to find a poker site to deposit with such amount. Try a casino site. Im sure you will find something there. I came across an RTG casino while ago which had 1$ min cash outs, so the deposits might be the same. Im really sorry but cant recall the name
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Age: 40 (M)
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Posted by aatje: You know what realy sucks....that you cant add 8,20 to your money bookers account....
ask for a friend to ship you 8.20, then deposit 10 into your poker account- then ship back 8.20 to your friends poker account if your friend doesn't have an account at the site u play- ask him to create one ___________________________________________________________________________________
oops didn't read your last post- glad it worked out for u
Joined: Feb '10
Location: Suriname
Age: 48 (M)
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Two years it was possible to deposit $1 at Bet365, but they changed that nowadays, you will not find any pokersite that will accept a $1 deposit or less than $5 deposit nowadays.
Joined: Feb '10
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 38 (F)
Posts: 20
smallest deposit site i knmow is Genting Poker on iPoker, they have $10 min deposit on all options except moneybookers where they will take £2 or €2. good luck finding 20c. what games would u play stickin to BR management??