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98-year-old woman to face charges for organizing illegal poker games

The Cypriot police raided a house in Limassol in 2009 after they had received complaints that the house had turned into a gambling club. The police entered the house and found a group of female pensioners playing cards. The police recovered around €100 in stake money and confiscated playing cards and poker chips. Two of the women have since the raid passed away and two are in nursing home. T[...]   Read more » 98-year-old woman to face charges for organizing illegal poker games

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98-year-old woman to face charges for organizing illegal poker games  0   
WTF !!! That's how stupid law can change your live even in your last days.

this makes my blood boil..ffs..old age pensioners enjoying a game of cards for micro stakes in the comfort of there own home and to have it raided by police for a measly $100...have they nothing better to raid drug dens or catch rapists or murderers than to criminalise old folk for enjoying there end of days playing cards.....bureaucracy gone crazy

Finally some justice!

The law can't strike down hard enough, on this sort of riff raff. If this goes unchecked, before you know it, you could wind up with crime syndicate full of hardened senior citizens, and then where would we be...?

An what about the toddlers; I hear the play a mean game of marbles sometimes. Has anyone checked into the money laundering going on in those games?

yeah like that's justice for you- same is happening all over the world- small criminals are being caught just to show everyone that police or any other government institution is working great, but the real criminals, the "big fish" are doing their stuff forever and safely with the help of the same group of "justice makers"

Posted by marqis:
An what about the toddlers; I hear the play a mean game of marbles sometimes. Has anyone checked into the money laundering going on in those games?

Epic Worship Worship Worship Thumbs Up

It's so funny and at the same time so frustrating!

Now I know my mother was right when she told me: "Hide the gambling money in case the cops come" Big Smile

I was like "You can't be serious, cops have better stuff to do". Shock

I bet the game was what gave her strength to keep her brain active, just like her daughter says, and what a better way for a 98 year old lady to do it than to play cards? And how did the police enter her house? Did they have a warrant? And they could always say the money in the table wasn’t a prize, it was just of one of them. Poor lady, poor ladies, what a way to be treated in the end of this long way of 98 years of life!

Justice MUST be served!!!

this has got to be a joke,i mean haven't the police got anything better to do than chase oap's
utter ridiculous.

If it is true: Pure Fascism in Cypruss!

Give her 20 years to think about the crime.

Disgusting behaviour

Maybe a Brothel in diguise

Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

if cops wolud have that done to my grandma, i'd set them on

wow...they dont take this lightly..haha leave the ole birds alone

It seems that people and here i'm talking about worldwide govs are getting crazy about hunting down poker.

We are living in a perfect world and the only thing that needs fixed is poker Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down

lol, i demand death sentence!

Surely there has to be some common sense taken into consideration by the law pertaining to such a petty harmless game of cards. There has got to be bigger issues / crimes being commited in or around the community rather then pursue punishing some elderly ladies trying to have some fun in what time they have left. Whata messed up world!

Sounds like the crime in Cyprus is pretty low.

Cops are reduced to busting old lady's card games.

Nothing else going on for them? Why else would ya waste your time?

I dont think that they did any harm to anyone and the grany shouldent even pay for playing poker with her friends.

Holy crap! My seventy six year old mother in law is visiting for a few days, which means we will be playing a variant of rummy where each player puts $0.90 in the pot. I guess we'll have to cancel that and start plalying chess or something... Sad

Play money poker is completly different. I mean, why would you fold a up and down straight draw or a flush draw on the turn when you're playing for nothing? Confused

Even for a 98 years old it must be boring to play poker that way. The governments need to understand that people have been playing poker for hundreds of years and it's not gonna stop because of stupid laws. So they should put their efforts where it makes a difference.

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