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Some people just dont want to understand I dont think you cant live without getting your hands in the specific prize. We all appreciate fast payments, but we understand also how things can get delayed, due to vacations. Patience
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Posted by Mober: Some people just dont want to understand I dont think you cant live without getting your hands in the specific prize. We all appreciate fast payments, but we understand also how things can get delayed, due to vacations. Patience
Some people hate to be lied to. To be told a week in a row and then suddenly something else. If they knew from the beginning of the holiday date not announced honorable awards to be granted?? Why all this circus? I appreciate the first correct one. Plight in which forced me to do my calculations in a certain way, drawing upon information received that turn out to be lies. Understandably, holiday or whatever. Not see why not say that right from the beginning. And it should be understood that not talking about individuals but large sites should have the right information to users
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week ends today and no money.. so why u doing this now ??? why u cannot do that before week ?? get those money ??/ i dont understand ??/ how tuff is transfer money to players ???
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Posted by mejoll: week ends today and no money.. so why u doing this now ??? why u cannot do that before week ?? get those money ??/ i dont understand ??/ how tuff is transfer money to players ???
The two days that I wonder. And as you can see the answer as to idiots. Times that week is more than seven days, because I understand the term "Within weeks", or are on vacation and have to have patience. until not said. People make plans, I think in fairness the site and take a large stake. As if to deposit money from 30 people last forever .....
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I thank the website the opportunity to obtain a bank for free say. What I find is that they should establish in advance an exact day on which the funds will be deposited in the accounts of the winners. I am also waiting, but I think 9 days and no news is not expected by us all. Greetings and hope the problem will be resolved soon.
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Posted by mejorentodo: I am also waiting, but I think 9 days and no news is not expected by us all. Greetings and hope the problem will be resolved soon.
goodnight administrator. the truth we should all be grateful to do our bank thanks to your help. but I agree with some comments on the time to cancel the awards. as I have understood that in other rooms pay awards a maximum of 3 days, it's just a suggestion if they could lighten the payments slightly. Thanks and good night
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It's Friday night. Have already passed 10 days of August .... What is likely to receive prizes by the end of the week Mr. Administrator? It is embarrassing for the size of your site to proceed as we do with players. At least you kindly answer and say one day that we expect concrete prizes. Please only real day I know exactly when we will receive prizes. No confusing words in last post. I do not think too much .....
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It's not embarrassing at all. Nobody has promised you payment on a certain day. With most of our leaderboards (stars, party, 888, unibet), prizes has been paid within the first week after it ends - sometimes just a few days afterwards. This time unfortunately, the pokerstars leaderboard ended just as the guy who pays, is on vacation.
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I think that is very, very embarrassing. You are an institution and not a private person who should have the truth written on the site. For all initially announced by you, clearly and precisely that the prizes are awarded "Within a week". Not promised a specific day, but wrote that prizes awarded in a week. Not in 2 or 3 weeks. If you knew why the boy is on holiday was announced in this way? And after a week (not during the week) back and say that you are on vacation .... And now after 10 days acknowledge indirectly that the prizes will be awarded only after several days after returning from holiday. Thank you for having responded to my post, but will say directly that they are totally disappointed with how I was informed of this recognition. Initially served seven days proved to be much more. Not now but does not say exactly when we will receive the award. You probably know when that man comes from the holidays. Please, with respect, even to be informed real due date when we receive awards. I hope you did not upset my opinion, but I felt the need to say what they think. You've proven you are a serious site so far, all other shares (deposit bankroll, etc..), were resolved before the time specified, do not understand why now should happen otherwise ....... Do not bother. What I had said I said. Expect a correct about time we get awards and I hope another time you write initial on site and happen to be.
buenos dias queria agradecerpor el pago de mi premio de 35$ ya depositados a mi cuenta muy amables y esperando jugar el free de 1500$ muy pronto y sumar en la tabla de este mes para poder cobrar otra vez
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Wouldn´t it be better if the pass was released 5 mins before the tournament instead of 15 mins? That way fewer password leakers would get in, and the field would me much narrower and fun to play
Joined: Jun '10
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Age: 51 (M)
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It s better that all freerolls are played as a turbo because most of the freerolls are rather a bad price/players proportion. Ti s often more than 2000 players for 25 or 50 $.
Even worse with the standard freerolls PS offers with the tickets for the weekend.
To get a ticket it takes 4 a 5 hours , to get into the payout in the weekend again 4 to 5 hours to get some $ or $cents
I prefer some smaller pokersites with less players on the freerolls
good morning as I podrina inform the methodology they use for the free $ 1,500? give us a ticket automatically register us or give us some pass? if they are so kind and clarify me this doubt is the agradecere
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freerolls should be played as a casual game in hopes to maybe build something off of nothing, people shouldnt be 'grinding' them if you know what i mean lol
with that being said i dont mean play badly but dont take it so serious, we should be thankful Tony set us all up with this