Two men are each being held on $500,000 bail at the Multnomah County Detention Center because they are being accused of robbing a women in Portland of her approximately $1,000 video poker winnings. The victim told police that she had been at a bar with Nickolas D. Fisher, 22, and Joshua Dean Lauritsen, 25, on the night of January 6. Later that night, she was getting a lift in Lauritsen's car. Laur[...] Read more » Two Men Accused Of Robbing Women Of Her Video Poker Cash
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
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lol: 1st degree robbery- when you rob the victim, 2nd degree robbery- when you want to rob someone, but found out that the victim is already robbed yeah lukasb- sex deal was somewhere in the plot for sure, however boys didn't like the ending it seems, so they improvised a bit
According to online gambling news in Netherlands, just before midnight on Sunday, the sleepy Merkur Casino was the sight of a shockingly fast armed robbery that left patrons, employees and the casino security guard severely traumatized.
Merkur Casino, licensed under Dutch gambling laws, was just about to award Gertrude an E250 prize the she has won playing a popular video slot, when three swarthy men entered the casino.
Mr. Danni, the 76 year old casino security guard immediately noticed something was amiss – “All three were wearing ski masks, and it’s not even October yet, and each one wielded a large AK-47 machine gun which I know is not standard police issue in the Netherlands.”
“I still had some doubts though and thought that perhaps they are from the local tax office, or from the Islamic madrassa across the street, and was about to give them the correct directions to the synagogue around the corner.
“Yet when they screamed for everyone to lie face down on the floor, or they will shoot to kill, that’s when I was certain that trouble was brewing,” Mr. Danni explained later to reporters.
The robbers were able to quickly empty the casino of all its money and exit the Dutch gambling establishment all in less than eight minutes.
Nobody was physically hurt but as Gertrude explains, the emotional scars will last a life time – “I feel violated and from now on I will only play online bingo games in Netherlands where I feel safe, and leave these land-based casinos to the gangsters and hooligans.”
The three robbers along with their seven accomplices, who acted as look-outs, made a truly clean getaway by using electric powered scooters, at a leisurely speed of 9km/hours. After an extensive search of the area using police dogs and helicopters, no trace of the robbers was found.
In a press release, the Netherlands chapter of the Green World Council applauded the eco-conscious robbers for using electric scooters during their escape, and lamented that the rest of Dutch citizens couldn’t be as caring about the ozone layer as the robbers.
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Posted by Samtoace:
I still had some doubts though and thought that perhaps they are from the local tax office, or from the Islamic madrassa across the street, and was about to give them the correct directions to the synagogue around the corner.
Joined: Apr '09
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Age: 45 (M)
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The bail is really high. It would have been better if the first guy would have took her to where they first agreed. I really would like to know how did she got involved with him... Alone at a bar, two guys looking at her, one of them does the first talk, things got niteresting, she accepts the invitation... And then the other guy got mad, screw it all up, and now they have to pay 500 times more than they got from that little robery. Can't see things other way.
Joined: Mar '11
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Age: 40 (M)
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LMFAO samtoace. That has to be a piss take for sure. Where did you get that story from?
As far as the news story goes, there's something weird about that aswell. Why would you get a ride with someone you just met in a casino? And if she knew them already, why would you rob someone, at knife point, someone who knows you and can identify you to the police? So either the woman is too trusting or the lads are thick as pig chit. Lol
Joined: Nov '11
Location: Poland
Age: 38 (M)
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They want sex from her, and he was pretty drunk I think, but then they refuse, so they want improvise with cutter... It's awful, that some woman want some sex, but after playing they refuse, or even accuse of rape!
As if it had been worth it to rob the woman now have both a penalty on the neck and are not better off as before. Had I better go to work or work more instead of an innocent woman to steal the wallet Some people need to understand no more at the present time
Joined: Jan '11
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Age: 61 (M)
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Yeah this just don't seem quite right! I wonder why in the hell some woman is getting in a car with some dudes she supposedly met at the bar and supposedly won the $1000. Not saying it couldn't happen, but this just seems a bit fishy and I think they got donked!
Joined: Feb '11
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Age: 60 (M)
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This is almost as bad as someome advertsiing the freeroll paswwords for sites like BRM on the web; however in the case of advertising passwords, the sites arent hat othered.... but when someone takes ya money ou are. but then stories like this may not be that close to reality and wvetone gets upset...even the owners ofnthe money!!!!!!!!