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Who gives a darn about choosing..... All five of these lovelies could be on their way to mine right now, getting ready to meet my mother who would no doubt approve of each and every one of them....... Well, in her absence this evening (and every evening, God arrest Her Soul) I will just have to make the approval on her behalf.... And approve of them all.
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Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend thefly from Belgium, somewhere near Holland writing to you, wish a good day to each and everyone of you.
great thread
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly thefly, somewhere in Belgium
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Hmmm todays pick would number #3 no make that #4 well maybe #1, can't leave out #2 but then again there's #5, Oh hell i pick them all another fine delivery there Ronin.
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Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend demodawggy from Canada, somewhere near the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay writing to you, wish a good day to each and everyone one of you
< 8=====D(.) (.)
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly demodawggy, somewhere near the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay in Canada.
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Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend Skpmorita, writing to you, wishing a good day to each and everyone of you.
this delivery is definitely going in the deliveries hall of fame amazing 10 candies .. they are all my favorite
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly Skpmorita, somewhere near the Mediterranean Sea.
Joined: Dec '13
Location: Croatia
Age: 35 (M)
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Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend westside, writing to you, wishing a good day to each and everyone of you.
Definitly the best delivery ever
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general.
Hello all the wonderful Mobsters around, this is ur friend BuvA from Croatia and i wish a good day to each and everyone of you.
O_o my eyez are glued to the screen right now, and if i dont haw nobody in house i would lick every pic , specialy that supergirl . Yep weardo does wht weardo does. Nice delivery Outlaw Samurai
I am so happy to b a part of such a great community and i wish ya all good luck,great hands and furtune at the tabels. Truly yourz BuvA.
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Age: 56 (M)
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G'day mates
I am glad that today's delivery meets with my loyal friends and visitors to the candy store. I was trying to make today's delivery just a little extra spectacular Glad you all seem to like it. Wishing you all the best. be cool
Joined: Jun '13
Location: Canada
Age: 81 (M)
Posts: 3700
Thanks to you Ronin for your research a presenting us pretty nice candies.
Very good delivery number three with her nice brown eyes and lovely shirt.
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly pinotte.
Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend flashfaust01 from Japan, somewhere in Asia writing to you, wish a good day to each and everyone of you
YES YES YES!!! Best delivery ever? Not sure but in the top 5, yeah for sure...
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly flashfaust01
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Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend flashfaust01 from Japan, somewhere in Asia writing to you, wish a good day to each and everyone of you
enjoying some candy before going to bed
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly flashfaust01
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Posted by Skpmorita: Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend Skpmorita, writing to you, wishing a good day to each and everyone of you.
this delivery is definitely going in the deliveries hall of fame amazing 10 candies .. they are all my favorite
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly Skpmorita, somewhere near the Mediterranean Sea.
Joined: Feb '12
Location: Canada
Age: 64 (M)
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Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend demodawggy from Canada, somewhere near the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay writing to you, wish a good day to each and everyone one of you
< Donald Trump's wife's name is...... Melania....!!! lol...
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly demodawggy, somewhere near the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay in Canada.
Joined: Feb '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 5713
Super duper Candy Posting in the last two posts Mr Candy Man. I have to say that in the most recent post, the gorgeous lady in number 2 picture would look fantastic sitting anywhere in my house. She looks just like the perfect woman in every way!
Hello all the wonderful Mobsters Alive and WANTED $$$ , this is your friend BuvA from Croatia and i wish a good day to each and everyone of you
Have to agree with Damosk on #2 , but my favourite is #4 - those blue eyez, black hair and perfect body would knock me of my feet and make little johnny so happy. I would fight for her in he arena and probably die but f**k it
I am so happy to be a part of "Perverts of the world Unite" and BRM STATION and i wish ya all good luck, great hands and fortune at the tabels and amazing things in life. So long suckers - i joke i joke Truly yourz BuvA.
Joined: Jun '13
Location: Canada
Age: 81 (M)
Posts: 3700
Thanks to you Ronin for your research a presenting us pretty nice candies.
Very good delivery number two with her nice blond hair would be my choice for today.
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly pinotte.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Hello all the wonderful mobsters out there, this is your friend flashfaust01 from Japan, somewhere in Asia writing to you, wish a good day to each and everyone of you
i would couch them all if i was a millionaire
I am very happy to be a part of such a great community, wish you the best of luck at the tables, off the tables, behind the tables, under the tables and in your life in general. Yours truly flashfaust01