On October 11 Wednesday, a Chinese national was sentenced in jail for 25 weeks after he conspired with a casino dealer to cheat the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) casino in Singapore of over $24,000.
Wang Zhe, age 26, a Chinese native, had pleaded guilty to 22 charges of acquiring money by means of a fraudulent scheme or practice in a casino game. About 42 other similar charges were also taken into consi[...] Read more » Man Who Conspired With Casino Dealer To Scam Marina Bay Sands Jailed
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Age: 55 (M)
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It must be very tempting to do this when you work in a casino. Whenever there is lots of money at stake, i think that people get carried away and would do something that they thought they would never do.
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wow what a stupid couple of dudes- those kinda things are easily noticeable and there is little point in trying to pull of such a scam when your winnings in the end are just 24k of dollaros, jeez what 's the point ot risk jail time and ruined career for so little cash, if it was 24 millions then yeah- go ahead andd try.
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Yes when people have chance to steal some money they sometimes make stupid things, this situation is like this, in casinos there are many cameras, so it is only time when if you do mistakes like pay more money casino security see you and you have big problems. This was same situation
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He had a job, now he doesnt have one and will go to jail too And they got out of it with low sentences. What if the judge had given them the maximum? One thing i never understood and never will, is when they are saying they were first time offenders...
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What's interesting about this stuff is the punishment he could have received one of the accused. 7 years in jail and 150.000 dollars fined. If the damage is $ 24 k in two mens fifty is 12 k and a fine of 150 k was aberrant. Man was lucky and escaped much easier. Those responsible for the casino have done the right job.
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They knew it meant trouble, but the greed got in the way. Making a mistake here and there, and pulling such a stunt on a regular basis are two different things. If they had made those cheats few and far between they may have gotten away unnoticed.
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another point of this story that I find fascinating is that those two dudes- player and croupier have managed to cheat casino for 8 days, wow what the fcuk were surveillance dudes doing- sleeping? in normal casino its hardly possible to get away with a single mistake if you are a croupier
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My knowledge of the structure of the criminal justice system in Singapore is fairly limited, but I heard that offenders are subject to much more severe penalties in Singapore than in other developed countries? I guess the law works differently in each country and each country's legal system reflects its society's values.
Edited by Tony_MON7ANA (26 October 2017 @ 23:19 GMT)
Joined: Aug '10
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It seems, it was not easy to check the hole staff in a Casino about their characters. We can read every week a new story about unserious dealers. This guys awaiting for a long time in prison. This wa s the best way to protect the Casinos in the future.
Joined: Feb '11
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Age: 60 (M)
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Conspiracy to defraud is a ver y serious offence and one which countless people get caught up in on the basis they think it throughout so we’ll at the start that they honestly believe they can get away with it. My advice would be to steer clear from any criminal activity as it will end up affecting your life with a conviction and or jail time.
BankrollMob Forum » News » Man Who Conspired With Casino Dealer To Scam Marina Bay Sands Jailed