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Posted by Administrator: We have now paid 500 MobPoints to 8 Mobsters, so go check your Mob account transactions and see if you were among the chosen
Thank you for the 500 points and your hard work, admins! Can't wait to read that interview. Elky is a very smart guy so if we listen carefully we can always learn a thing or two about the way competitive guys like him think...
Have a good day guys and may lady luck be with you on the poker tables!!
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22902
finally some informations about this interview and something that will help us to understand where is problme!I think that I said in one post that will be hard to catch him to answer on this question in short time,when he won this tournament 10 days ago and that maybe he will play on caribbean poker tour and other tournaments! hope that party poker will make him to answer on our question before new year!
I have already begun to forget that we are waiting for answers to questions from members of this site ... but I see that there is hope that soon these answers will be received ... Okay ... wait a bit ... there is nothing left do ... just wait ... this poker player is a pretty busy person so this is such a long wait for answers
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22902
great news from your and party poker!now we can see that it was need to rush them with this and to send another mail to ask when elky will answer it!hope that he will give great answers and long answers and who know what next players we will have in some interview! thanks BRM on fast reaction!