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Joined: Oct '08
Location: Germany
Age: 50 (M)
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bad beat, bad beat watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when it come for you bad beat, bad beat watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when it come for you
i dunno, does it matter ? well i guess i prefer the guys who dont know about fold button...because they gonna do it again and pay me back.
edit: i have to say i RARELY have seen someone fold with AK, either because they put others on AQ and forget about pockets or for whatsoever reason...? or just thinking its the best hand ever who knows..
Joined: Dec '08
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Age: 51 (M)
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Perhaps your bets take too long and he thought in a bluff from you... he have just lucky, but his hand if he is thinking in a bluff from you is strong, you have to admit that, or he is just a believer in poker... Worst than that is many all in's and we with AA are kick off from tournments...
Joined: May '08
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Bad beats. And it is not even close. People who can't fold are the source of our winnings.
To the hand. If played properly this would have been a flip, and your opponent won it.
Yes he had made a mistake, but it was preflop. He can't call more than 1/4 of his stack with AK out of position. So either he pushes or he had to lay it down.
i think he bet enough on preflop (almost tripled it), if he bets more then he might only collect blinds ? and on flop he potraised, more he cant do. so well played in my opinion just bad luck.
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Btw i didnt post this as a badbeat, its a 6 outer yes but not a big badbeat...
I did post this as an example of people who dont know there is a fold-button You play the hand good, but just because people cant laydown you loose the hand. This happens a lot on ''lower'' stakes especcially in the begin of the game when the donks arent out yet. On ''middle'' stakes theses things happen not so much but competition is harder offcourse
Joined: Apr '08
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13-14% i would call that a decent bad beat. But bad beats are a lot worse, at least if you take your example, you are clearly ahead and would win most of the time. But how many times have I not made a good bluff only to have someone call with bottom pair or even high card ace or sometimes even worse. Now that is irritating, and hardly good play from your opponent since even a lot of bluffs would have him beat.
Joined: Oct '08
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Age: 50 (M)
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@ JoeJeavons
make up your mind once !
to me you say its no bad beat as i lost with 2 pair (highest pairs on board) to straight on river ? but this one is a bad beat with one pair ???
and yes im serious. this aint a bad beat. if doomdy hit his third Q on board and the other guy gets 2 Aces on turn and river THEN its a bad beat to me. but not this.....thats simply bad luck not more.
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definitely players who don't know when to fold... but... it's about the same thing... players that don't know to fold that 1 outer... and bad beat you on the river x_X
Joined: Feb '08
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I agree with whiskerer. so much worse when you make a good bluff that no respecting player would possibly call but some idiot calls with bottom pair. you know the hand where someone raises preflop, theres a call and then you call with position. flop comes 776 so you can be pretty sure no ones hit. you bluff and get called and turn is a ten. you've got nothing and want to take the pot now before another scare card so your all in. the only thing you can put your opponent on to call is a ten. but he calls with a pair of 3s. there's no way he could make that call the way you played the hand. thats more annoying than a bad beat because you can forgive bad luck. bad beats are meant to happen. stupid players with no regard for their own money ruin the game.