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Joe Cada is the new World Champion!

Tags: 2009, darvin moon, final table, Joseph Cada, november 9, phil ivey, wsop.
Posted on 10 November 2009 by "T".

Joe Cada, 21, became the new World Champion just a few moments ago! He and Darvin Moon played heads-up for almost 3,5 hours, and WOW what an heads-up it was! Cada started with more than double the chips than Moon. But Moon had no plans on giving up as he gave Cada a really tough fight and even overtook the lead for a while.

The big turn for Joe Cada came when he flopped middle pair and Moon pushed all-in with a straight draw. Cada's middle pair stood up and gave him the lead. Only 8 hands later it all came to an end...

Final Hand:
Joe Cada has the button (big blind 3 million), Moon raise to 8 million. Cada double-checks his hand before announcing an all in. Moon dobule-checks his hand as well before making the call. 150 million is now in the pot.

Cada - 9Club9Diamond
Moon - QDiamondJDiamond

The crowd is going crazy as the dealer is about to put the three first cards on the table.

Flop comes: 8Club2Club7Spade

A very good flop for Cada, now he's only 2 cards away from the win.

Turn: KHeart

Looks like a scary paint card, but it's safe for Cada who's only 1 card away now.

River: 7Club

It's all over! Joseph Cada has won the 2009 Main Event and the $8,547,04 first prize! His family and friends are shouting in happiness as they run down to celebrate him.

Final table results:
1. $8,547,042 Joseph Cada
2. $5,182,928 Darvin Moon
3. $3,479,670 Antoine Saout
4. $2,502,890 Eric Buchman
5. $1,953,452 Jeff Shulman
6. $1,587,160 Steven Begleiter
7. $1,404,014 Phil Ivey
8. $1,300,231 Kevin Schaffel
9. $1,263,602 James Akenhead


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22 comments on "Joe Cada is the new World Champion!"

 LaBaiz10/11/2009 10:34:00 GMT
wow Cada made it, didn't thought he would make it to the final table when about 100 players were left. And now he took the tournament. Congrats
 mazas10/11/2009 10:52:29 GMT
Joe Cada have several very lucky rivereds so he becomes a champion Big Smile
i never bet 4 him and i am very surprised that he made into final table but no only favorites winning all sometimes if u have luck and fell it u can beat anyone Smile
congrates 4 Cada now u are the best Worship
 doomdy10/11/2009 10:58:09 GMT
Wot about Saout, winning $3,5M with a $50 SAT too the main event? Cool
 s1m0nmp10/11/2009 11:07:08 GMT
WOW... i didnt read this article before... I'm so glad that Kid won it... everyone was all about Moon and Ivey winning it... well I'm more than surprised but few good hands a bit of luck and he goes home with $ 8.5 mil... nice job
 Doomsday_vic10/11/2009 11:15:50 GMT
I was hoping Saout won, he played pretty solid throughout the whole FT. Cada and Moon had a few questionable plays but I'm glad Cada beat Moon.
 MANUEDO10/11/2009 11:38:37 GMT
Only 21 years old and enough money to live without problems.
He, his family and firends too.
As usual, skills and luck are on the winner's side
 fcumred10/11/2009 12:00:53 GMT
Such a shame for Moon.. He made one fatal error and that subsequently cost him the tournament.

He had a huge chip lead and was pushing Cada all over the table, but then came Moons fatal mistake of shoving all in on a board of 10 5 9 10. Hoping like mad, that Cada would fold. After what seemed like a lifetime, and much to the discomfort of Moon, Cada amazingly announced I CALL.. turning of J 9 giving him middle pair. and fighting for his tournament life and a 150 million pot. Moon turned over 7 8 giving him an open ended straight draw.

Moon missed his draw and that put Cada once again in the lead, and left Moon totally lost.

Only a few hands later Cada raised from the button, Moon re-raised and Cada shoved. Moon instacalled with QJ suited, only to see that Cada had pocket 9s. The board didnt help Moon and Cada took down the game and the title.

Had Moon not made that mistake with the open ender, rest assured, Cada would have lost the match.. Moon had him completely on the ropes up till that point.
 panictacgirl10/11/2009 12:49:16 GMT
BEAUTIFUL - Millions won with a pair of 9's! It pays to know how to play. I like this guy Cada, he was patient and it payed off.

Moon didn't have much of a chance when the flop was revealed. I think he got anxious. . . I would be too with a QJ suited. It was an awsome standoff! I can't wait to see these guys in action again. But, hmm 150million? I think I could take a bit of time off.. hehe
 KozaKBR10/11/2009 13:48:15 GMT
Cada is NOT the best player in the world... no way... BUT it´s a huge tournament for sure and everything can happen. I guess everybody was supporting phill at the final table....a bracelet for him would be pretty cool... Great Champ anyway =)
 blazingpf10/11/2009 15:26:48 GMT
wow, niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee cada won..
yea anything can happen, patience did pay off for cada
great job
 Predobar10/11/2009 17:23:21 GMT
Joe Cada won the lottery Evil
 shokaku10/11/2009 17:31:48 GMT
Posted by Predobar:
Joe Cada won the lottery Evil

Yep. I guess that is the best way to describe the final table. Evil
 arkly10/11/2009 17:48:35 GMT
Totally disagree about that loterry.

Everybody can get lucky in few big pots, but
as blinds grow you must have skill to survive in tournament.
 shokaku10/11/2009 17:54:39 GMT
Posted by arkly:
as blinds grow you must have skill to survive in tournament.

Yep. Suckout skill.

Come on. Cada won two times with an underpair versus a bigger pair at the final table. That has nothing to do with skill.
 Lutenatik10/11/2009 21:46:15 GMT
Wow cada played it terrible! I love to see u matusow, negreanu...'s comment on twitter about joe. Had a nice laugh x)
 ZmxPowah10/11/2009 21:53:23 GMT
I would never bet for him... sometimes luck if what you need most to win.
 Plexo10/11/2009 22:20:08 GMT
pfffff what a terrible end. 3 million dollars and the WSOP title decided for a coin flip.
I understand Cada's move but I don't get it Moon's call. Great that he had not hit his outs after that call.
Congrats to Cada anyway.
 psycokiller10/11/2009 23:26:05 GMT
Congradulations to the winner, he got some luck to win it, but the eventual winner of any tournament needs some to have a shot. The real disapointment was Phil only coming 7th. Thought he had a better shot at being in the top 4.
 SuperNoob11/11/2009 00:55:55 GMT
Posted by shokaku
Yep. Suckout skill.

Totally agree, both of them had their more than fair share of luck on final table.
but still, better Cada winning than Moon
 beesuls11/11/2009 17:03:20 GMT
if i ever call off my chance to win the wsop with qj, you have permission to shoot me in the face
 pziko198611/11/2009 17:51:14 GMT
all the poker players take their risk during a tournament, that's nothing new. You can't say that someone won the tournament by luck.. It takes skill to make it as far as the final table and even though he won some hands by luck, you still can't say that he is a total suckout. Come on guys!
 Fakiry12/11/2009 15:28:11 GMT
Nice for Cada and nice for Moon too. Moon was short stacked at this point and that hand was ideal to double stack, although unfortunately for him that didnt happened. Maybe next year you'll become first Moond. Till then, why dont you take some rest over those $5MK? I would Big Smile

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