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Tobey Maguire sued for $300,000

Tags: ben affleck, matt damon, spiderman, tobey maguire.
Posted on 23 June 2011 by "T".

The movie star and poker player Tobey Maguire (best known from the Spider-Man movies) has been sued for $300,000 in a suit surrounding a multi-million dollar, illegal poker game. The suit was was filed in USA Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles in March.

Celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon also played in these illegal poker games, however, their names are not mentioned in the suit. The reason for this is that the people investigating the case could re-create the history of numerous transactions that have been made, and Maguire's name has appeared there.

The games were "exclusive events", by invitation only, and there was regulars consisting of wealthy celebrities, businessmen, entrepreneurs etc. According to the lawsuit, Maguire won more than $300,000 from Brad Ruderman, a Beverly Hills hedge fund manger. Such games are illegal in California, and Maguire is said to have hired an attorney to fight the suit.


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16 comments on "Tobey Maguire sued for $300,000"

 dozn0123/06/2011 11:25:48 GMT
so after paying the lawers, how much will he get if he wins?
maybe end up costing him
il liked to know how this game got leaked out
 callie2823/06/2011 12:12:28 GMT
if its a private party hows it still illegal?before anyone says it i know drugs are illegal even at a private,im just meaning is it illegal to have home games in California?
 T3ddyKGB23/06/2011 12:12:36 GMT
ive read that in the newspaper today.
cant believe that ****...
how can it be possible that some sry fags think they could prescribe you what you have to do with "your own money that you legaly earned" and "what you may and may not do within you own four walls"
ok its been in a hotel room stil it was a closed society so what some freinds met to have some fun.
 rbdflyboy23/06/2011 12:43:29 GMT
It's the can sue your Mom because she gave birth to you. A child can divorce their's all about precedent setting.
 Hajinnho23/06/2011 13:24:49 GMT
Posted by dozn01:
so after paying the lawers, how much will he get if he wins?
maybe end up costing him
il liked to know how this game got leaked out

hmm, that would be no fun at all for him. If you are even a loosing player when you actually win big Big Smile Quite irritating Big Smile I just don´t get it at all...
 Davoodoo23/06/2011 14:12:57 GMT
WHO sued him, the FBI ? Fu-- USA ...
 shokaku23/06/2011 15:19:41 GMT
Posted by Davoodoo:
WHO sued him, the FBI ? Fu-- USA ...

The Green Goblin.
 shoveandtilt23/06/2011 16:20:12 GMT
Pathetic american power hungry money grabbing imbaciles.
 SuperNoob24/06/2011 07:06:07 GMT
apparently spiderman aka tobey maguire won around 36 million$ in these illegal live games. lets see how this ends up as a lot of celebrities are involved in it.
 MarcWinz24/06/2011 08:05:21 GMT
What a load of Bu**SHIT. I cannot believe what you are puting up with over there. Is it a case of the US tax man didn't get his cut so lets sue? I know that the US is the land of the free, but this is taking it. What can you do with your own money? Does anyone care that Toby won or lost loads of money - I dont!!!

I know you are our American cousins, but please do something about your laws, Is it because you have different laws for different states? I dont understand - Please explain......

GL to all mobsters...................

Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile
 richardd7924/06/2011 14:14:30 GMT
if you have the money. why not
 Jibberish24/06/2011 15:28:43 GMT
brad rugerman snitched cuz he lost his bankroll lmao
 Fakiry14/07/2011 14:53:51 GMT
Its an interesting thing. No one can play private poker games at home in California? Maybe there was one guy who lost more than we intended and decide to "open the mouth" outside and created all this troubles. Celebrities are really crazy, how far can they take the madness? Tongue
 TUNGUSKANO16/07/2011 14:48:33 GMT
Man , this guys already have too much money.
Why do they need to slip down like that for a nickel?
Greed for Dollar is so Aww crap! .
 crusher00718/07/2011 09:14:27 GMT

This is BS,obviously some one was a sorry loser and opened there big mouth,I believe a private game,whould be PRVATE!,if you cant afford to lose your $$,then dont play.
I guess the person who complained,probably thought htis was a good way to get his/her $ back by exposing their poker game wince they were celebrities.
Hope SPIDERMAN wins this lawsuit!! lol
 vip7vip7vip19/07/2011 14:26:09 GMT
There are some money what can i say, mor me is very much for him proably poket moet Smile) Dollar Dollar Dollar

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