BankrollMob Poker News


BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $10,000+ in prizes

Tags: bankrollmob, calendar, christmas, free, prizes, promotion, xmas.
Posted on 01 December 2012 by "K".

Christmas has returned again this year and so has our Christmas Calendar promotion, with even more prizes during December 1st-24th than our calendar usually has in all the other months during the year. Click here to visit the Christmas Calendar now!

Below is an overview of our Christmas Calendar promotion this season:


Prizes vary from day to day but on average there's about 50 prizes per day, ranging from MobPoints to tournament entries and stuff like that.

If you have anything you would like to add as a prize in the Christmas Calendar as well, then please feel free to contact us - we will of course make sure that you/your company is mentioned Smile

Bonus prize

Like last year, we have a bonus prize for our most active Christmas Calendar users. Each day, you have 5 chances of winning, ie. behind each date in our Calendar there are 5 doors that you can click on and see if you won. That's 5 chances a day times 24 days = 120 chances in total. If you manage to open 100 doors or more during December 1st-24th, you will be entered into a special €1,000 freeroll.

Last year we had about 290 players eligible for the freeroll, but not everybody decided to play it. If you don't want to play it, you will be able to get the approximate seat value in MobPoints instead, so if 250 members qualify and the freeroll is €1000, then 1000 / 250 = 4 = 400 MobPoints into your Mob account - or you can decide to play the freeroll and win a lot more! All eligible players will be notified via Mob Mail a few days after the Christmas Calendar ends and will be able to select between the freeroll or MobPoints on the Mob Games page. 

Lottery tickets & prizes

Also like last year, if you win a prize that you do not want or cannot get because your country is not allowed to play on that particular poker site, then you can exchange your prize into lottery tickets instead. Example: If you win something that has a value of $10 then you can get 10 tickets for the lottery instead, or you can of course claim the prize you won. A few days after the Christmas Calendar ends, we will find 80 random winners from all the lottery tickets in the pool (each member can win more than once, it depends on your luck and how many tickets you have), the prize pool for the lottery is as follows:

  • 5 x 4,000 MobPoints
  • 10 x 3,000 MobPoints
  • 15 x 2,000 MobPoints
  • 10 x 500 MobDraw tickets
  • 20 x 100 MobSafe "shots"
  • 20 x 50 MobSafe "shots"
Now, while it may look nice on paper to exchange a $10 tourney ticket for a 4,000 MobPoints prize instead, note that there's no guarantee that you will win any of the prizes. It's a lottery, after all, and 80 winners will be randomly selected from the, perhaps, thousands of lottery tickets in the pool.

Final notes

During Christmas everybody seems to be extra busy and there are holidays as well, so we kindly ask you to not contact our support to ask about prize claims during Christmas. Everybody will be processed as long as you claim within 2 hours of winning (otherwise you forfeit your prize), but if you still have not received your prize by January 15th, then please feel free to contact us - do not contact the poker site at which you won, their customer support can not help you, contact us instead!

Also we would love for you to share our Christmas Calendar with your friends, just click the Facebook like/share buttons below to share this news on Facebook, we would certainly appreciate it Smile

Good luck in the Christmas Calendar and Merry Christmas to all of you!

PS: When the Christmas Calendar ends on December 24th there will be a short break until our normal Mob Calendar returns on January 1st.


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193 comments on "BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $10,000+ in prizes"

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» BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $10,000+ in prizes

 Fer897325/12/2012 00:36:46 GMT
119 out of 120 and just a price that change for 6 tickets to win nothing Sad
 Andzins9925/12/2012 07:46:34 GMT
i not believe thet.. i think you give this bonuses for your multi accounts . .
 gig5160025/12/2012 12:04:43 GMT
if I opened 100 doors, I too apply on freerolls
 Weenie25/12/2012 14:24:44 GMT
I thought it will be during whole december Smile Anyway I got one prize - 500 mobdraw tickets (I didnt won anything Smile ), but its ok, still better than nothing like some of you guys Smile gl in next month
 braulio4625/12/2012 17:05:45 GMT
hmmm did not win with 60 opened windows ^^
 DanyGR26/12/2012 00:46:04 GMT
Does someone know about the freeroll? When it starts?
 stuarthogg26/12/2012 02:58:17 GMT
same here i was wondering bout the freeroll i opened 100 odd doors defo qaulified any news brm? great work i won 4 prizes im sure 1 tomorow aussie millions 50 player party poker 27th c ya there gl all
 damosk26/12/2012 09:08:29 GMT
Last year the freeroll was the last week of January and if I remember correctly it was at pokerstars....I'm guessing it will be there this year too as pokerstars is the only ongoing leader board site and loads of mobsters (as with everyone else in the world) plays there so it's a win win situation. Good luck to all who qualify and enter the fray!!!!
 MarcWinz26/12/2012 09:59:13 GMT
Posted by stuarthogg:
same here i was wondering bout the freeroll i opened 100 odd doors defo qaulified any news brm? great work i won 4 prizes im sure 1 tomorow aussie millions 50 player party poker 27th c ya there gl all

Hi Stuart. See you there. I am also on Party Poker freeroll and looking forward to my trip to Aus. GL anyway.

 magatt96626/12/2012 10:51:19 GMT
@ Tony

managed to click 100 doors but can't play the freeroll due to country restrictions: may you please remember me where I can opt for the mobpoints instead of the freeroll entry?

thx in advance
 cuirtom26/12/2012 11:51:15 GMT
few moments ago I registered to both brmxms on pacific for apac sattelite...I get tickets for both and I hope at least one to finish 1st Worship Worship...I remember last year I was finish on 2(about 510$) on that one on partypoker for aussie millions...I wish good luck and good cards just for me on 28 or 29 Tongue Big Smile
 Sorin88826/12/2012 16:02:13 GMT
Since the calendar stopped on 24th I am looking forward to start strong 2013 with some big prizes.
And do not forget the tomorow mob draw,I have some tickets won in calendargame
Go BRM,make my Christmas happy
 Dynastik26/12/2012 17:22:16 GMT
this year I opened 101 doors. Won 4 times Smile

50 mob shots
500 mob draw tickets
200 mob points
300 mob points

thx to brm, it's great to be a member of you!
 pinku13526/12/2012 17:55:03 GMT
Posted by Dynastik:
this year I opened 101 doors. Won 4 times Smile

50 mob shots
500 mob draw tickets
200 mob points
300 mob points

thx to brm, it's great to be a member of you!

Wow Smile
You are very lucky Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
I have opened around 110 out of 120 but got lucky only once to win 200 mob points !!

there are people who have opened almost all 120 doors without even winning once thats sad !!
But your luck is at its peak stage Smile

Merry Christmas Smile
Good luck at the tables Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
 drzoidberg27/12/2012 14:44:32 GMT
Good day!
I won a ticket to sattelit at 888 Poker.
It was written that the tournament will start on December 28, but still did not give me a ticket, as I can not find the tournament, help me.
 Administrator28/12/2012 08:44:31 GMT
Posted by drzoidberg:
Good day!
I won a ticket to sattelit at 888 Poker.
It was written that the tournament will start on December 28, but still did not give me a ticket, as I can not find the tournament, help me.

You won for "888poker freeroll #2" which is on the 29th December. "888poker freeroll #1" is for the 28th, which you didn't win a ticket to.
 kinogomes28/12/2012 09:24:18 GMT
This year calender i won:

3 tickets for party poker freeroll 300$
1 ticket for freeroll in party poker Sunday million
50 shots
1 ticket for 888 poker freeroll
and yeaterday i won 100 shots for the safe!

This was the best calender ever for me!

 RoninHarper28/12/2012 09:38:36 GMT
Posted by kinogomes:
This year calender i won:

3 tickets for party poker freeroll 300$
1 ticket for freeroll in party poker Sunday million
50 shots
1 ticket for 888 poker freeroll
and yeaterday i won 100 shots for the safe!

This was the best calender ever for me!


G'day mate
I would first like to say congratulations on a GREAT calender lucky win period. Thumbs Up
I think a good time was had by all/ I thank the BRM administrator on behalf of us all. Worship
I would also like to remind you that many people have been stating about how they never won anything at all the entire month. It is possible that they may think you are rubbing there noses in the fact that they lost and you won so much.
I know that is NOT what you are trying to do.
I realize you are just expressing your joy at being extremely lucky. Thumbs Up
I too who more than once and am VERY happy about that lucky fact. Big Smile
Just smile and nod then walk away from the less fortionate while whistling a happy tune. Smile

Lol just kidding mates.
Good luck to everyone in the new year. I hope 2013 i a GREAT one for us all.

Ronin Harper Cool
 feto77728/12/2012 10:08:21 GMT
Great promotion. THX BRM
 pinku13528/12/2012 10:46:33 GMT
Posted by kinogomes:
This year calender i won:

3 tickets for party poker freeroll 300$
1 ticket for freeroll in party poker Sunday million
50 shots
1 ticket for 888 poker freeroll
and yeaterday i won 100 shots for the safe!

This was the best calender ever for me!


Congratulations Smile
You are really lucky man !!!! so many wins !! i envy your luck Blink

Every single mobster will envy you !! ha ha . . you are luck is sick @@
I wish i would win something like you atleast in the next calender !!!

Good luck in the future too Smile
A very happy new year Smile

Good luck at the tables Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
 Moldo_war28/12/2012 13:13:09 GMT
i can`t find the 888poker freeroll #1 for $525 WSOP APAC in the 888poker platform !! somebody help me

i found it ! the name of the turney is BRMXMASFREEROLL1 at restricted tournaments
 RoninHarper28/12/2012 15:43:04 GMT
Posted by Moldo_war:
i can`t find the 888poker freeroll #1 for $525 WSOP APAC in the 888poker platform !! somebody help me

i found it ! the name of the turney is BRMXMASFREEROLL1 at restricted tournaments

G'day mate.
It was being hidden behind a Klingon cloaking device. Smile
You see it had to be done to protect Federation inspectors from Romulan attacks Smile
Once the inspectors got clear you was allowed to see it again. Smile
Can you guess the movie marathon I was sorta planning to watch?

Be cool and I hope you Run Deep in the tournament.
Win one for your fellow Mobsters. Thumbs Up

Ronin Harper Cool
 ceffet01/12/2015 18:13:20 GMT
 bless901/12/2015 19:27:26 GMT
i won freeroll 28 day ticket
 crash5801/12/2015 21:18:19 GMT
Why was this thread brought back to life, it's 3 years old.
Admin should lock old threads like this so some dummy doesn't start posting again.

If your gonna post about the calender do it in the proper one.

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