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Theo Jorgensen Talks About The Home Invasion

Tags: denmark, home invasion, pokerstars, pokerstars pro, robbers, theo jorgensen.
Posted on 04 December 2012 by "T".

On Sunday, the Danish Team PokerStars Pro The Jorgensen was shot three times in the leg by robbers who forced their way into his house in Greve, Denmark and demanded money. Jorgensen's wife, who had to watch helplessly as her husband was shot multiple times, called the police, who searched the house and the neighbourhood with dogs, but no one has been arrested yet.

Theo Jorgensen's is hospitalized but is not believed to have life-threatening injuries. In fact, he had the strength to talk about the robbery on Facebook yesterday:

"Dear all, it is important for me to stress that I am a cautious man. I have prepared myself mentally and practically that this situation could occur, in order to protect myself and my family against outsiders. I know that the outsiders may have a misguided perception of how much cash I have in my home. I have alarm systems installed, always try to have as little cash as possible laying around in my house and generally taken my precautions. But unfortunately it has proved not to be enough.

Under the circumstances, I'm feeling okay. Now my main focus will be on taking care of my family so we can get through this."

Theo Jorgesen's very thankful for all the support he and his family have received...
"Overwhelmed by the support we have recieved thru facebook and texts. Dont know if I have to blame the morfin or all your thoughts but very touched. Guess Fort Knox had to be build anyway so on the case even though I will have absolutly nothing of money value in the house. To bad it had to be like that but cant risk the most valuable thing I have one more time. We are all better than expected and looking forward," he wrote on Facebook.


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5 comments on "Theo Jorgensen Talks About The Home Invasion"

 pochui04/12/2012 09:33:27 GMT
well i must say he wasn't prepared that good as he say he is. sure if you have no bodyguards it's hard to be safe even with most sophisticated alarm systems. i think he should think of hiring a bodyguard if he is making serious money, or move to some safer location, where his neighbors would be way richer than him- so no one would be interested in robbing him Smile
 Fakiry04/12/2012 13:54:27 GMT
Rich people will always have the attention of bad people. Not only poker players knowing for winning a lot, but these have a bigger problem associated, which is the media turning them more famous and known. It’s just like movie stars in Hollywood, I bet they have lots of security costs. But it’s better to spend some on that to prevent the worst.
 Macubaas04/12/2012 18:31:44 GMT
It's great to hear that after three shots int he leg he is okay, i assume the hemoragy was huge after such a injury...

I still can't believe how those robbers could believe that he would keep at home all the money that he won out of poker Sad
 RoninHarper04/12/2012 20:28:50 GMT
Well i am glad to see he was well enough to post on his facebook page. Also like pochui said above
" i think he should think of hiring a bodyguard if he is making serious money, or move to some safer location."
I am said to state I agree with him that perhaps some personal security might be needed to protect his family and maybe a couple well trained dogs.

Ronin Harper Smile
 Impak00704/12/2012 21:32:59 GMT
As i wrote last time, i think this is dark side of being pro and successful. ALso rich but i never get it up , why is someone robbyng someones houses, when they must know, there must be alarm systems. Anywasy, i will say it agine i wich him fast reconvalescence.Good luck

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