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2012 WSOP: 42 have signed up for the $1,000,000 buy-in tournament

Tags: $1 million buy-in, 2012 wsop, las vegas, the big one for one drop.
Posted on 15 June 2012 by "K".

42 players have so far pre-registered for the $1 million buy-in tournament ($111,111 will be a charitable donation to One Drop) THE BIG ONE FOR ONE DROP that will be played at RIO All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas on July 1st, 2012.

Five of the players are businessman who don't want their names published, 3 seats are reserved for qualifing players, the remaining 34 players are a mix of rich people and well-known poker pros.


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14 comments on "2012 WSOP: 42 have signed up for the $1,000,000 buy-in tournament"

 noonlion15/06/2012 13:25:41 GMT
That is probably one of the most intimidating lineups in poker history bar the odd business man who is there for the joyride.

Only person missing is Ivey.
 Fakiry15/06/2012 13:41:37 GMT
Hedge funds manager, now there’s a profession that I would like to have… In the beginning of my “carreer” at the university, I went for economics, but accounting wasn’t made for me, I love mathematics, but I could never get it very well about the Active and the Passive in the Balance of the companies… This guys must be part of some of those clubs of solidarity (like the big world wide “R”, that was born in Chicago) and this is just another way to help for a cause. If any of them reaches the final table of this event, or even gets to win it, there’s no chance they are going to keep anonymous at that point.
 DaMessiah66615/06/2012 16:35:11 GMT
Wow, $1M of buyin? That's crazy! They are playing in other leagues. It would be great if we could see the prize table. Nice initiative to donate a part of the buyin for charity.
 Macubaas15/06/2012 18:43:22 GMT
It's really interesting that they accepted for satellites winners to take place on this event, i know first they said only people that pay the entry fee can play.

Still with such hie poker names it would definately be one of the best poker games so far Big Smile
 ayaraled15/06/2012 18:54:54 GMT
hellmuth is not playing?hope he play this tournament.....
 AA-Daelt-AA15/06/2012 18:57:39 GMT
i can't believe Ivey nor hellmuth didnt sign up on this tournament, this is the biggest event ever seen!
 uhhcallmi15/06/2012 19:05:20 GMT
you mean cry baby ,helmuth???

such player,although many bracelets, does not belong in this tournament..if u ask me...

Simply because he has no class,,i used to admire him,,, but nowadays i think he's just a crybaby,,, thinking he invented Texas-Holdem...

Can u imagine him busting out ,,if he entered this event????

probably we would hear him complain for the coming 2 years ,how bad his opponents were ,and

how he could have been called with such bad hand?? haha

rather see and expect players like Negranu,Tom Dwann, isuldur1 and of course Patrick Antonius

i saw a video where antonius takes a seat at omaha table,,,just with 1.65 million dollars,, to start..

That's a pokerplayer,,, Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
 B1gfoot15/06/2012 20:46:04 GMT
@uhhcallmi Negranu moans just as much as hellmuth, but tends to be more whinny like when doing so.
I would not like to see my hedge funds manager at the table, I know that much.
Great way to donate to a superb charity, but something just does not sit right with me when people are playing with 1 mill, its a game!
 Plexo18/06/2012 01:53:53 GMT
This is so crazy. C'mon 1 million dollars for just ONE tournament.
When I play a 20 bucks buy-in sit&go I already feel that is too much hahahaa

It's true that will no be the same without Helmuth and Ivey but anyway i would like too see it.

Anyone knows any website to follow this tournament in vivo????????l
 Flippedchips18/06/2012 04:25:59 GMT
If you have lots of millions why the hell not, people are non stop moaning when they play with that kind of money anyway and now people doing it for charity people still moan Big Smile they cant catch a break these guys Big Smile Big Smile
 pochui19/06/2012 07:34:45 GMT
the most interesting dudes in the list are hedge fund managers imo- they just take the money their clients invest in hedge funds and look at the buy in as an high risk investment, or at least they say so- in reality other people just pay them to have a great time from their cash...nice to be a hedge fund manager
 Fakiry21/06/2012 12:16:05 GMT
Posted by ayaraled:
hellmuth is not playing?hope he play this tournament.....

ayaraled, maybe Helmuth is giving some space for Daniel Negreanu, who already showed himslef sad about still not having won any tourney at this year’s WSOP and he is now concentrating on this, besides the other events he will still be taking part at WSOP. Besides, there are other great players there like Gus Hansen and Patrik Antonious in One Drop. What most surprises me is not seeing the name of Tom durrr Dwan on this list, this seems the type of tourney that fits exactly in his profile.
 occultum21/06/2012 15:59:23 GMT
Awesome line up it's impossible to predict a winner with all this players.. kinda surprised tho to see some names here that even tho they are known they must be selling alot of action to be able to buy in @this tournament. Anyways really looking forward to see this.
 noonlion21/06/2012 16:49:34 GMT
Posted by occultum:
Awesome line up it's impossible to predict a winner with all this players.. kinda surprised tho to see some names here that even tho they are known they must be selling alot of action to be able to buy in @this tournament. Anyways really looking forward to see this.

I was just thinking about that and I think you have to favour the guys who have been there before in terms of huge cash games - therefore Gus and Dwan and Antonius have to be favourites but in a tournament like that anything can happen with the cards.

It's gonna be the tightest game ever.

Wonder what their starting stacks are?20k?

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