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2012 WSOP Main Event: Day 6 ends with 27 survivors! Canadian Marc Ladouceur leads!

Tags: 2012 wsop, elisbeth hille, gaelle baumann, main event, Marc Ladouceu.
Posted on 16 July 2012 by "T".

Day 6 of the 43 Annual World Series of Poker Main Event is now in the books. Erik Hellman from Sweden ended up as the last player to get eliminated (28th place for $236,921) before the tournament crew called it a day.

The remaining 27 players will now get some well-needed rest before it's time to return to the tables once again. Marc Ladouceur from Canada will most probably have a big smile on his face when he goes to bed tonight since he is the chip leader with 15,875,000 - about 3 million more than his closest opponent, Daniel Strelitz.

Gaelle Baumann, the Day 2 chip leader from France, is still in the tournament (20th place - 5,530,000 chips). But Baumann is not the only women left in the tournament... Elisabeth Hille from Norway has played amazing poker in the past 2 days and now has 9,770,000 chips (5th place)! Let's hope that at least one of them reach the final table! 


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4 comments on "2012 WSOP Main Event: Day 6 ends with 27 survivors! Canadian Marc Ladouceur leads!"

 pochui16/07/2012 09:50:06 GMT
so any well known "pro's" left there? or as always the "pro's" find it too hard to show their class...anyway doubt that woman is gonna win the me anytime soon, just because of the odds against her due to the fact that they are a minority looking at the number of entrants- but maybe one tourney is more or less a gamble anyway, so why not?
 byng016/07/2012 14:29:28 GMT
GO Canada Go

Don't know this fellow but always nice to see a fellow Canuck playing well.

For all of you who would like to invest 10K to play

This is not for the the weak of heart by any means.

Put out 10K- 6600 entered

Cashing started at 675- roughly 10-1 ratio

Cashing starts at approx. $ 19,200 not even 2-1 for your money.

Kinda like the yearly sale of Race Horses trying to make the Kentucky Derby.

I don't care how good you are or think you are, A BIG GAMBLE !! but would be fun and interesting to do it.

 Fakiry16/07/2012 19:15:09 GMT
6 days and still going??? I am glad to know everybody is already in the prizes (and nice ones), or else the pressure would be too hard to handle! And everything can still suffer big turnarounds. Will we have a Canadian winning this one? Too soon to say.
 noonlion16/07/2012 21:22:31 GMT
Yeah byng0 spot on the money. It is a huge gamble. BUT if you work out the money ratio if you make it big style then it's still a very attractive option for someone with a spare 10k.

Ultimately unless you're a pro or rich, getting in by satellite is the only smart way.

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