BankrollMob Poker News


BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $15,000+ in prizes

Tags: bankrollmob, calendar, christmas, free, prizes, promotion, xmas.
Posted on 30 November 2013 by "K".

Christmas has returned again this year and so has our Christmas Calendar promotion, with even more prizes during December 1st-24th than our calendar usually has in all the other months during the year. Click here to visit the Christmas Calendar now!

Below is an overview of our Christmas Calendar promotion this season:


Prizes vary from day to day but on average there's about 100 prizes per day, ranging from MobPoints to tournament entries and stuff like that.

If you have anything you would like to add as a prize in the Christmas Calendar as well, then please feel free to contact us - we will of course make sure that you/your company is mentioned Smile

Bonus prize

Like last year, we have a bonus prize for our most active Christmas Calendar users. Each day, you have 5 chances of winning, ie. behind each date in our Calendar there are 5 doors that you can click on and see if you won. That's 5 chances a day times 24 days = 120 chances in total. If you manage to open 100 doors or more during December 1st-24th, you will be entered into a special $1,000 freeroll.

You can also opt-out of the freeroll and receive the equivalent in MobPoints instead. Example: 300 players eligible, and the freeroll is $1,000, so 1000 / 300 = $3.33 so you get 333 MobPoints into your account. Obviously, if you want to play the $1,000 freeroll, you will have the chance of winning a lot more.

All eligible players for the $1,000 freeroll, will be notified via Mob Mail about a week after the Christmas Calendar ends and will be able to select between the freeroll or MobPoints on the Mob Games page. 

Lottery tickets & prizes

Also like last year, if you win a prize that you do not want or cannot receive because your country is not allowed to play on that particular site, then you can exchange your prize into lottery tickets instead. Example: If you win something that has a value of $10 then you can get 10 tickets for the lottery instead, or you can of course claim the prize you won. About a week after the Christmas Calendar ends, we will find 50 random winners from all the lottery tickets in the pool (each member can win more than once, it depends on your luck and how many tickets you have), the prize pool for the lottery is as follows:

  • 2 x 4,000 MobPoints
  • 3 x 3,000 MobPoints
  • 5 x 2,000 MobPoints
  • 15 x 500 MobDraw tickets
  • 10 x 100 MobSafe "shots"
  • 15 x 50 MobSafe "shots"
Now, while it may look nice on paper to exchange a $10 tourney ticket for a 4,000 MobPoints prize instead, note that there's no guarantee that you will win any of the prizes. It's a lottery, after all, and up to 50 winners will be randomly selected from the, perhaps, thousands of lottery tickets in the pool.

Final notes

During Christmas, everybody seems to be extra busy and there are holidays as well, so we kindly ask you to not contact our support to ask about prize claims during Christmas. Everybody will be processed as long as you claim within 2 hours of winning (otherwise you forfeit your prize), but if you still have not received your prize by January 15th, then please feel free to contact us - do not contact the poker site at which you won, their customer support can not help you, contact us instead! All claims must be done by the link provided when you win a prize, not by sending us an e-mail or writing in the forum.

Also we would love for you to share our Christmas Calendar with your friends, just click the Facebook like/share buttons below to share this news on Facebook, we would certainly appreciate it Smile

Good luck in the Christmas Calendar and Merry Christmas to all of you!

PS: When the Christmas Calendar ends on December 24th there will be a short break until our normal Mob Calendar returns on January 1st.

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225 comments on "BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $15,000+ in prizes"

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» BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $15,000+ in prizes

 IVKA0623/12/2013 12:38:47 GMT
I do not know who's winning in the Christmas calendar, but I did neni.Každy day of open doors, but only once every 500 Mob Draws and of course, neither won. Merry Christmas all Smile
 shiva211223/12/2013 19:28:05 GMT
omfg I`m such a donk.I saw yesterday for the first time,that one can open up 5 gates each day and not only one like I did. Blink
Next year I will do better and,with a little bit of luck, I will win something then. Smile
 doktorpok3r23/12/2013 21:21:24 GMT
 damosk24/12/2013 00:11:31 GMT
WOW.....Amazing last day prizes and only 4 doors left to try and win.

Good luck everyone!
 Dazalef24/12/2013 00:47:38 GMT
what a load of rubbish now. havnt had a prize since the 8th December won 3 x £1.10 SnG's for 24h poker and they said they'd be in my 24h account by the 15th December.Had 1 on the day they said but weres the other 2 i supposed to have won.Come on Bankroll Mob what are you playing at if one's gone in were's the other 2.Did I win to many and not enough to go round Aww crap! You are taken the Biscuit there. Keep the other 2 for next years promotion so you can afford it and stick to your word Aww crap! I thought this was a true site.Nothing but missery and that mob draw is total bullshlt. How the fk can the same people win it for up to 4 weeks on the run.was just he that was in it. Confused Shiva2112 you saved your self a lot of wasting your time cos they don't even honur the prizes. I won 3 sng and have only received 1. Ask them for 1 of mine £1.10 SnG for 24h poker they might give you it ..... Aww crap!

Don't Believe you Tongue
 Istatymas24/12/2013 01:46:12 GMT
i never win anyfink.
 MRFRANNIED24/12/2013 07:18:19 GMT
 lini1624/12/2013 18:01:04 GMT
merry christmas Smile)))))))))))))))))))
 damosk24/12/2013 18:56:57 GMT

This year has been my worst ever achievement at the BRM Christmas Calendar!

But hey, on the positive side, I did better than some and the BRM Christmas Calendar remians the best on the web....which means its the best in the world.

Some fab prizes on offer this year BRM, its just a shame I didnt get to share more of them!

 mylatbm24/12/2013 23:40:10 GMT
Posted by mylatbm:
0 for 112 so far, I'm beginning to lose faith Aww crap!

Make that 0 for 120 - That was a waste of time!

Grats to all the winners Smile
 bobiii25/12/2013 00:01:24 GMT
just got 250draw tickes last day lol
 Sneaky_B25/12/2013 04:30:44 GMT
same here, nothing, 0, nada, out of 102 doors. When is christmas freeroll taking place? Question
 Macubaas25/12/2013 06:47:03 GMT
I think since so many active forum members that post all the time say that they got less prizes this year it only means that we have more active members that visit the site daily which is great.

It would be nice if some of them will also get active as posters here on the forums Smile
 Dazalef25/12/2013 12:15:34 GMT
Just wont to take it all back of being misery Bankroll Mob and say sorry because on my last christmass box I got 500 mob draw points so thank you and merry christmas every one Tongue
 Soundlis25/12/2013 12:34:30 GMT
Maybe someone know when will be christmas draw? i'm talking about calendar draw
 RoninHarper25/12/2013 14:51:20 GMT
G'day mate

Just dropped in to wish you well and to say,

Merry Xmas

best wishes
be cool

Ronin Cool
 Livinglarge25/12/2013 16:54:33 GMT
hey do you know the pass for the 24 poker freerol that starts in 1H?
 connollybro26/12/2013 02:41:09 GMT
 sergejcho26/12/2013 06:13:28 GMT
Best reward!
Full Tilt Poker $250K GTD Ticket
You have won a free entry/token to Full Tilt Poker's $250,000 Guranteed tournament. Your token will be available in your Full Tilt Poker account after the 27th of December. Remember to claim it.
 marqis26/12/2013 08:27:23 GMT
Posted by Soundlis:
Maybe someone know when will be christmas draw? i'm talking about calendar draw

It says 30th December in the Mobmails telling you to claim the prize:
If you do not like the prize you won, or today's prize sponsor does not allow players from your country, you can choose to receive lottery tickets in our Xmas prize draw instead.

The Xmas prize draw will take place on the 30th December among all players that has requested lottery tickets instead of prizes. You will get 1 ticket in the draw for every $1 of prize you "convert". So if you for example won a $109 tournament ticket, you would get 109 tickets in the prize draw instead.

It is however somewhat unclear about where the results will be posted...
 Sneaky_B26/12/2013 16:29:11 GMT
When is the chrsitmas calendar freeroll taking place? not the draw
 RoninHarper26/12/2013 16:39:01 GMT
last year is was in January.
Do not worry it will get announced and we will be talking about it here in the forums.
you will not miss it.
best wishes
be cool

Ronin Cool
 BmChris1226/12/2013 16:42:17 GMT
feliz navidad xD
 Sneaky_B26/12/2013 17:51:56 GMT
Posted by RoninHarper:
last year is was in January.
Do not worry it will get announced and we will be talking about it here in the forums.
you will not miss it.
best wishes
be cool

Ronin Cool

Thanks for the info, i just wanted to know cause im leaving for a minivacation tomorrow until the 2nd of january Cool

something else, where will it take place?will it be on PS?
 Sneaky_B28/12/2013 18:42:44 GMT
anyone knows where it took place last time and most likely this time?

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