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Absolute Poker's Scott Tom Pays Fine, Sentenced To Only 7 Days In Jail

Tags: Absolute Poker, Black Friday, Scott Tom.
Posted on 13 October 2017 by "T".

It looks like that the co-founder of Absolute Poker Scott Tom had finally put an end to his long-running legal case with the U.S. government, and for sure the poker players who became victims of the fraudulent site will not be happy to know that he escaped with very little punishment.

As part of a plea deal, Tom paid $300,000 in fines, then served a mere week in jail, and after that, he went back to his adopted home in Antigua.

Hit with a plethora of felonies alongside the Black Friday charges dished out by the Department of Justice against a list of poker sites serving U.S. customers, Scott Tom returned to the U.S. this February after spending years away from the public. He entered a plea of not guilty and then was released on a $500,000 bond.

His lawyer promised a plea deal and a quick resolution, and that is exactly what happened. Early this summer, Tom pleaded guilty to only a single misdemeanor count of accessory after the fact in connection with the transmission of gambling intel.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses gave Tom a final slap on the wrist by giving him a brief jail sentence in lieu of time served, which actually surprised Tom because he and his lawyer pointed out that he had already gotten a plane ticket out of the country.

The punishments, however, do not hold any heavy substance for the numerous players who got victimized by the shady operations of Absolute Poker and its sister site Ultimate Bet. Tom had never revealed more information regarding his role in the superuser scandal that shocked the poker community and caused quite a ruckus in the national headlines.

Many players so far are relieved, confirming via Twitter the recovery of their lost money in the past couple of weeks, who initially had their bankrolls shattered by the infamous financial collapse of the two sites. The long-running process of retrieving back the money, plus Tom's exit from the country, appears to be the final chapter of this story, but for the poker player victims, it will remain a terrible memory for years to come.



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19 comments on "Absolute Poker''s Scott Tom Pays Fine, Sentenced To Only 7 Days In Jail"

 doubletop77713/10/2017 08:07:17 GMT
It is does seem a pretty lenient punishment for a crime that could have cost players' many millions of dollars. It is nice to read that the vast majority of players' have recouped their money, which is a very good thing
 DaCapo7113/10/2017 10:04:41 GMT
I´ve never heard anything about Absolute Poker or Ultimate Bet in the last years. It was a nice US online poker site with a serious player pool and a good software. But like other site, Absolute Poker was down, because some people can´t get enough...
 pajalnick13/10/2017 11:16:47 GMT
impressive very short term of imprisonment and very small fine of the main swindler .... maybe we do not know what and what are the additional penalties ???? .... I am sure that this person should receive a greater punishment for his crime ... very strange decision of the court
 pochui13/10/2017 11:51:59 GMT
well what can I say, more or less same pattern we see in everyday lives with corrupt politicians and businessmen getting away form justice while doing some shady manipulations, stealing money etc. in other words- everything as usual.
 CALICUL13/10/2017 15:21:08 GMT
Another case of theft and fraud in which the main character escapes very easily after 10 years. I do not understand why it took so long. These judges should be checked by the law. The only good thing is he will stay on his cv with jail. He is shameful though he has not received more punishment but judges are corrupt all over the world.
 Gerimantas13/10/2017 16:46:49 GMT
Yes I think it is a small time to soend in nail, i don't know why he has to go to jail at all if the time is so small. Only one week, ha ha this is so funny, i don't see such situations here in my country. If jail then we talk about years not days. But still some punishment is better than no at all
 shokaku13/10/2017 16:50:31 GMT
Come on guys. He didn't get away easily. He miissed his plane! Aww crap!

Of cause this ruling is a joke, and not a good one. But this is a familiar pattern. Cheating the general public seems to be a minor offence nowadays. As long as one doesn't try to cheat the taxman.
 Mober13/10/2017 18:25:40 GMT
Only a week in jail and a low fine.
The only good thing i read about in the article was, that already some players have retrieved
the money, which is a good thing.
Who would expect to get the money after so many years.
 pochui14/10/2017 12:06:05 GMT
yeah like gerimantas dude pointed this out I can also say that one week in jail is kinda funny sentence just because of the fcukin short time frame, why the hell does he even have to spend this time at all... just give him a year or two or just stick with a fine and no prison...
 pajalnick14/10/2017 14:36:04 GMT
Posted by Mober:
Only a week in jail and a low fine.
The only good thing i read about in the article was, that already some players have retrieved
the money, which is a good thing.
Who would expect to get the money after so many years.

perhaps just because the players who cheated will receive their money such a little punishment ...... but it is possible and corruption of the judge ..... it is difficult to understand some of the court's decisions and the first thought that appears while this is the idea of bribery .... and often it's true
 CALICUL14/10/2017 16:54:01 GMT
Posted by pajalnick:
perhaps just because the players who cheated will receive their money such a little punishment ...... but it is possible and corruption of the judge ..... it is difficult to understand some of the court's decisions and the first thought that appears while this is the idea of bribery .... and often it's true

Surely the judge was corrupted and received some money. What I read in an article is said to be a few million dollars defrauded by the Absolute poker room owner Scott Tom. In 10 years with this money you can do business and more money and the lawyer brokered the deal to bribe the judge. Shock
 Tony_MON7ANA14/10/2017 17:00:27 GMT
I almost got screwed when the Department of Justice seized internet address of the Absolute Poker and Utimate Bet in 2011. Luckily for me, I made a full cash withdrawal in late March 2011, just a few weeks before Black Friday.
 Mober14/10/2017 19:20:19 GMT
It doesnt matter if the players will receive their money or not, for what he has done.
For all this time players should ask and be entitled an interest on top of it.
But there is not gonna happen.

Instead all these years he was living a luxurious life. So what punishment he got after all?
 Gerimantas14/10/2017 20:24:28 GMT
I like to see that most people here on the forum say too that this situation where this guy from ansolute poker gets only one week in jail. This is bad also because other people who have bad ideas see this situation and think that they can also try something like this and have mo problems
 CALICUL15/10/2017 08:13:42 GMT
A very good thing would be that this week he was violated in prison to no longer make a scam in his life
at least this way he would begin to have rebukes of consciousness. What a nice thing to cheat with so many people and know that the punishment is a very small one just because the judges are corrupt. Thumbs Down
 damosk15/10/2017 09:17:16 GMT
So, if the players have got their. Only back, and $300,000 is an appropriate fine and a week in prison, to add up with time he has already Seeved on remand, then this is ......... wait for it...... probably not a bad outcome. It makes you wonder how good the evidence really was to only accept one guilty plea rather than prosecuting for perhaps more serious or other offences. It's a matter of the criminal justice system being used to achieve an ends, which does not always equate to justice for everyone! Aww crap! Aww crap!
 Mober15/10/2017 19:49:17 GMT
An early and unexpected christmas presents for many of the players that have already got paid.
I still havent seen any brm members saying they had an account there and that they got paid.
Would have been interested to have such info from the "inside" Smile
 fpuds16/11/2017 23:02:31 GMT
Good news is most of the players gotten their money back! But one week in prison? That's ridiculous! People who steal from sneak machines get more
 dule-vu17/11/2017 15:38:07 GMT
after only 7 days on jail,he can enjoy in life and spend rest of life at antigua!he got very small punishment and all players can just ask was this some deal with court or what!but he didnt got anything that will affect on his life!

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