It looks like that the co-founder of Absolute Poker Scott Tom had finally put an end to his long-running legal case with the U.S. government, and for sure the poker players who became victims of the fraudulent site will not be happy to know that he escaped with very little punishment.
As part of a plea deal, Tom paid $300,000 in fines, then served a mere week in jail, and after that, he went back to his adopted home in Antigua.
Hit with a plethora of felonies alongside the Black Friday charges dished out by the Department of Justice against a list of poker sites serving U.S. customers, Scott Tom returned to the U.S. this February after spending years away from the public. He entered a plea of not guilty and then was released on a $500,000 bond.
His lawyer promised a plea deal and a quick resolution, and that is exactly what happened. Early this summer, Tom pleaded guilty to only a single misdemeanor count of accessory after the fact in connection with the transmission of gambling intel.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses gave Tom a final slap on the wrist by giving him a brief jail sentence in lieu of time served, which actually surprised Tom because he and his lawyer pointed out that he had already gotten a plane ticket out of the country.
The punishments, however, do not hold any heavy substance for the numerous players who got victimized by the shady operations of Absolute Poker and its sister site Ultimate Bet. Tom had never revealed more information regarding his role in the superuser scandal that shocked the poker community and caused quite a ruckus in the national headlines.
Many players so far are relieved, confirming via Twitter the recovery of their lost money in the past couple of weeks, who initially had their bankrolls shattered by the infamous financial collapse of the two sites. The long-running process of retrieving back the money, plus Tom's exit from the country, appears to be the final chapter of this story, but for the poker player victims, it will remain a terrible memory for years to come.