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John Hesp’s 2017 WSOP success story to be turned into a movie

Tags: 2017 WSOP, John Hesp, poker movie.
Posted on 07 September 2017 by "T".

John Hesp, a 64-year-old grandpa from Bridlington, England, who won as a runner-up (4th place) of the 2017 WSOP $10,000 Main Event final table and took home $2.6 million, recently announced that his experience while he was in Las Vegas was utterly remarkable enough that it is going to be turned into a movie!

The semi-retired caravan home salesman Hesp has garnered an army of followers at the Rio, all thanks to his exploits at the felt, and along with his quirky colorful personality as manifested by his glitzy lucky patchwork jacket.

The grandpa of seven, who went to Las Vegas for the first time to participate on the 2017 WSOP Main Event just to check off that item on his bucket list, got more than what he asked for, as he went home with his pockets full of $2.6 million! Who knew that before this big event in his life, he was only playing at a max of £10 buy-in games at his fave local Napoleons Casino in Hull.

His story became extremely popular from all over the poker community that Hesp has revealed he's had ongoing discussions with movie producers to bring his story to the big screen.

Hesp was at the Napoleons Casino in Hull, and they were honoring him by unveiling their new "John Hesp Poker Chair", sporting the upholstery for which the design was based on his famous signature patchwork jacket. The casino is also the place where Hesp made his previous best-ever cash of just above $1,000.

Hesp said, "I got contacted by two or three producers when I was out in Vegas, including some Hollywood names, but I elected to go with a UK based company. The offer is formalised in writing and I've just got my legal team sorting things out. It's about 90 per cent through. We've had a bit of a laugh and a joke about who might play me. Personally, I would prefer George Clooney."

For John Hesp, he says not much has changed since his life-changing win and the film project. He's happy being a dad, grandpa, husband, and guess what, he still sells caravans. For him, the reality of his experience in Vegas has finally sunk in, but he still gets surprised every time he looks at his bank account.

If you can't wait for Hesp's movie and you're itching to watch a poker-themed movie soon, Molly's Game is coming to theaters in November.



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11 comments on "John Hesp’s 2017 WSOP success story to be turned into a movie"

 doubletop77707/09/2017 09:52:54 GMT
When it happened, it did sound like something out of a poker movie and it is no surprise to see it being turned into a film. I look forward to watching this when it is released
 Gerimantas07/09/2017 10:33:31 GMT
Yes really fantastic story that happen to this guy, I too eould like to have such experience in my life as any other person, he must be a very lucky and good person to get such a great gift from life. I think i will go to see this movie if it is in cinemas in my country.
 CALICUL07/09/2017 13:23:36 GMT
If this movie is made i will definitely watch it if it runs at any cinema in my town. I love biographical movies if they are good and their stories are interesting. I think you're going to get a good movie. It would have been better if he signed up with an American production house because they manage to raise more money with their films.
 pajalnick07/09/2017 18:30:35 GMT
such a film would be worth creating and created ... the story is very interesting and unusual ... at 64 years of playing poker at such a high level it's certainly a fantasy ..... I hope that when I'm 64 I'll also keep the clarity of mind and I will play well poker .... very cool grandfather
 Mober07/09/2017 20:42:48 GMT
Yea i remember that post and story.
It was then that i learned after a google search, what a bucket list is Smile
It is a nice story, but i dont see how they can turn this into a movie.
Not many interesting parts for a whole movie Smile
 pochui08/09/2017 07:59:04 GMT
yeah why not- this really is a story with the ending worthy of a Hollywood movie, heck even with George Clooney starring as john hesp. now if some hot babe will say yes to the question if you want to see this epic movie, then i will see it too...
 Gerimantas10/09/2017 20:44:22 GMT
I think this is a very fun story that happened to this guy kohn hesp, some of you say it is not interesting but you just don't know what good,money and good talrnt can do to a movie, they can make good product from a very small idea. So here a good movie can be created.
 Mober10/09/2017 22:17:22 GMT
Having read the story for this. which isnt even a story,
a couple of paragraphs Smile then its all you needed to know.
They will have to blow it a bit, to keep viewers interested.

But no matter what it will be much better than many other movies out there,
like that silliness sharknado, which they keep shooting sequels.
Who is watching that now, seriously...
 Tony_MON7ANA11/09/2017 05:43:35 GMT
John Hesp... I love this guy. His presence at the final table of the 2017 WSOP main event attracted many casual viewers from all over the world.
I wonder who will be portraying the role of Hesp. Bob Odenkirk?
 shokaku11/09/2017 06:46:51 GMT
Gunning for the casual players: Hollywood edition.
I guess all rooms, and all sharks, hope that this movie will be a success, as it would generate some inflow of fresh blood (and money) to the tables.
 DaCapo7112/09/2017 09:50:35 GMT
That´s really a nice story for a movie, that the grandpa have won a WSOP tourney. So we see, that the dream from a bracelet cen be true in the final part of the life for everyone. Now we see which actor play the part from the grandpa. Jack Nicholson was nice in my opinion Big Smile

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