Alessandro Bastianoni, 48, a relatively well known poker player in Italy, was found dead inside a luxury apartment in Miraflores, Peru on July 17th. According to local newspapers, authorities found a glass container with waste water mixed with poison gas next to his body and a briefcase containing $140,000 and a letter requesting that the money would be used to cremate his remains. His girlfriend, Colobian Yeinni Ospina, told the police that she last spoke to him on July 6.
"He told me he'd lost a lot of money and I could hear a profound sadness in his voice. I tried to cheer him up but it was useless," she said.
According to local newspaper 'The Republic', Bastianoni had competed in two live tournament series and racked up $600,000 in gambling debts shortly before his death. Medical examiners believe he died 10 days before he was found. In other words, he most probably committed suicide shorlty after calling his girlfriend.
Rest in Peace!