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nice results jess, looks like you are doing quite good at ring games which is a big plus imo as u were losing most of your winnings on ring games. and u'll be getting good rakeback too. gl with ur next session Thumbs Up
just curious - were these ring game sessions also in superdrunk state ??

Nice results you got there in PKR
Also a good thing you decided to put some money aside Smile
gl with the rest there and with your Uni assignment

Posted by SuperNoob:
just curious - were these ring game sessions also in superdrunk state ??

Nah man, I'm cutting back on the drinking a bit and also I'm a bit crook at moment (just a cold). I'd had maybe 3 drinks last night, spread over a few hours, probably contributed to tiredness, but nothing much else.

I tend to spew BIs at a pretty rapid rate when I play ring games drunk.. Strangely I tend to do quite well in MTT though... I think because in ring people turn up with good hands in big pots more often than in MTT - where because of the increasing blinds people just have to go.

Posted by Mober:
gl with the rest there and with your Uni assignment


Posted by B1gfoot:
the RB will be welcomed

Yeah; this is kind of one of the main reasons I am trying to get good at cash. Well and the fact that I keep spewing off my rolls in the ring games, so can't hurt to learn how to crush them Blink

Posted by B1gfoot:
and then a hour @ NL25 HU, which I suck at, but enjoy.

PMSL ! Me too. My next plan is to learn HU cash.. I can bumhunt HU cash no problems. However, even the nl50 regs tend to hand my ass to me !

Strange thing is, when I HU (say 4 tables against 1 reg @ nl100) in the first 30min or so I tend to win a few buyins, but then by then end of the session (say 1-2hrs) I'm normally down 2-3 BI. I am guessing they're adjusting to my style better than I am adjusting to theirs. Because this happens nearly every time. But is a fun game, dangerous to tilt at though.

Posted by B1gfoot:
I'm sure 2hrs is enough sleep for anyone.

LOL no doubt. Maybe if I weren't sick I'd have had a crack (can always go back to bed at the end of the session). Or if I had some 'legal over the counter wake-up drugs' Blink

Arg.. had big nl200 session today; ended up around $400 down for the day.. At one point I was up around $550, but I took one real bad beat for 125bb ($500 pot):

4 handed effective stacks 125bb I'm on button with AKdd:
UTG folds I open to $6, bb raises to $24, it has been a pretty aggressive game, I beat most of the 3bettors range, I 4bet to $75 with the intention on calling a shove, however bb tanks for a bit and flats my call !

I really wasn't expecting a flat and I think here probably QQ/KK, flop comes down

Ac,4h,8h - pretty well perfect, I'm crushing most his range at this point he checks to me I shove the remaining stack.. he tanks and calls with AsQh ! SWEEET!

turn Kh (OK top two pair now..)

river some other random heart.. FFS ! Sooo fookin sick..

That got me a bit tilted.. I lost another hand with AAvs 63 in a 4bet pot on a 433 flop Sad

Then I lost one final stack ($200) playing like a complete monkey which I deserved to lose, called off a pair of aces with an 8 kicker lol on a paired board, ran into AQ (fullhouse). At this point I was no longer playing my A-game and quite for the day $400 down.

Interestingly and it's going to sound like I am making this up, but i got TWO more royal flushes today.. No s**t.

Edited by jessthehuman (14 September 2011 @ 08:22 GMT)

Posted by jessthehuman:
Posted by mahdrof:
Congratulations on the results jess, keep them coming! Why don't you start a blog? It is fun and you are one of the more interesting forum regulars here, I would read it for sure. Continued success and good luck. Thumbs Up Worship Worship Worship

Thanks man !

Yeah I've thought about a blog - not just because I'm a dickhead who thinks he should have a blog; but because I think having a blog would force me to think more about what I am doing since I'd have to be honest about the games I'm playing etc and maybe I wouldn't be such a degen.. although it wouldn't be a very fun blog then haha.

However; I would feel kind of like the time spent blogging could be better spent doing my uni study.. I think though if I get a bit more serious with my game, which is perhaps looking likely since I'm starting to get some pretty consistent decent results, I probably will start one, watch this space I suppose !

A blog need not be a huge time consumer jess. I typically post in my blog once or twice a week, and I find it forces me to reflect on how I am doing. You post your ups and downs, talk about your sh*t and whatever else strikes your fancy. Try it! If it doesn’t work for you just ditch it.

Posted by mahdrof: I find it forces me to reflect on how I am doing.

Yes I imagine this would be the good thing about maintaining a blog..

I really have to start using a hand tracker again, I used to have a pirated version of HEM installed on a previous Windows installation, but I've since formatted and never put it back on.. But I plan on buying HEM-2 I think and try and take my game up a notch; plug some leaks, etc..


Had another little 1hr nl200 session, only 3 (for a little while 4) tables were running, managed to get a buyin up, so now only down 1 BI ($200) for then day.. And I can attribute that easily to a buyin I spewed off at the end of my last session (sigh). Going to pub soon, but have a bit of a cold / sore throat so don't really want a late night drinking & smoking so prob just chill there for an hour or so and come home and put in some more time.. Later on hopefully there will be a few more tables running also.

Posted by BeMyATMplz:
Posted by B1gfoot:

ALWAYS withdraw, I never understand those who just build a roll (unless small $) its pointless, what's the point in money if you don't spend it, If you don't get to enjoy your winnings then you are not winning anything other than numbers.

Somewhat agree with this,however,the reason why people(including me) dont withdraw often:
If you cash out you've got a lower roll -> you have to play lower stakes -> your hourly drops

In every aspect of life you should always withdraw - just in time! Big Smile

OK - midnight, just finished for the night, after a bad start (dropped two buyins in the first 15min) I managed to end up having a really good session. Session profit == $600, meaning I managed to finish ~$400 up for the day on nl200. So I can sleep easy tonight..

Also - for anyone who is interested, I just finished read "Professional no limit holdem vol1" I haven't read many books, but I can honestly recommend this, I am going to jump on amazon in a minute and purchase vol.2 - seriously worthwhile read. It has helped me a lot in trying to build my cash game.

I had no luck at PKR in the past. This is the Pokerroom with the most unbelievable suckout i had ever saw. But i like the software and the features there. And it seems that some players can win at PKR Big Smile

Posted by DaCapo71:
I had no luck at PKR in the past. This is the Pokerroom with the most unbelievable suckout i had ever saw. But i like the software and the features there. And it seems that some players can win at PKR Big Smile

You get that any where man, just got stick through it. Sucks when it happens though, I STILL tilt like crazy after a couple really bad beats.. Tilt control and other "life-style & psychological" factors are one of the biggest leaks in my game.

Should come check it (P.K.R) out again, if you like the room, features etc come and give it another shot ! Definitely some money to be made...

Posted by jessthehuman:
, I STILL tilt like crazy after a couple really bad beats.. Tilt control and other "life-style & psychological" factors are one of the biggest leaks in my game.

Yeah, the tilting is strange... I'm a grown man, fully aware of that going on tilt is a "bad business decision", but still I do it. Should, by now, be able to just shrug it off.

In limit poker I have decided to allow myself one bad call preflop, after every bad beat that tilts me. Sure, it's an EV- move, but it feels better, and every now and then I hit that straight on the flop, and stick it to them m/f!!! Moah ha ha ha haaaa!!!

Posted by Pjot:
In limit poker I have decided to allow myself one bad call preflop, after every bad beat that tilts me. Sure, it's an EV- move, but it feels better, and every now and then I hit that straight on the flop, and stick it to them m/f!!! Moah ha ha ha haaaa!!!


Man, the other day I took a few beats and was kinda tilty so I just opened up a 5c/10c table with $10 and shoved every hand, I lost 2 stacks and then I hit a couple hands and ended up with about $35 at table and this guy started getting realy pissed, I kept doing it, anyway, ended up around $80 off this one guy by shoving every hand, I actually felt kinda bad, the guy was fookin fuming, calling me every name under the sun, calling the site rigged etc. Was kinda funny, but at same time felt like a bit of a prick, I think he lost his whole roll because his last stack was like $4.67 or something like that and then no more reloads, just a bunch of abuse.

Posted by jessthehuman:
Posted by Pjot:
In limit poker I have decided to allow myself one bad call preflop, after every bad beat that tilts me. Sure, it's an EV- move, but it feels better, and every now and then I hit that straight on the flop, and stick it to them m/f!!! Moah ha ha ha haaaa!!!


Man, the other day I took a few beats and was kinda tilty so I just opened up a 5c/10c table with $10 and shoved every hand, I lost 2 stacks and then I hit a couple hands and ended up with about $35 at table and this guy started getting realy pissed, I kept doing it, anyway, ended up around $80 off this one guy by shoving every hand, I actually felt kinda bad, the guy was fookin fuming, calling me every name under the sun, calling the site rigged etc. Was kinda funny, but at same time felt like a bit of a prick, I think he lost his whole roll because his last stack was like $4.67 or something like that and then no more reloads, just a bunch of abuse.

well done on the result as for your latest play you BULLY lol,
also keep up the good work my friend Smile

Posted by jessthehuman:
Posted by Pjot:
In limit poker I have decided to allow myself one bad call preflop, after every bad beat that tilts me. Sure, it's an EV- move, but it feels better, and every now and then I hit that straight on the flop, and stick it to them m/f!!! Moah ha ha ha haaaa!!!


Man, the other day I took a few beats and was kinda tilty so I just opened up a 5c/10c table with $10 and shoved every hand, I lost 2 stacks and then I hit a couple hands and ended up with about $35 at table and this guy started getting realy pissed, I kept doing it, anyway, ended up around $80 off this one guy by shoving every hand, I actually felt kinda bad, the guy was fookin fuming, calling me every name under the sun, calling the site rigged etc. Was kinda funny, but at same time felt like a bit of a prick, I think he lost his whole roll because his last stack was like $4.67 or something like that and then no more reloads, just a bunch of abuse.


He he, I had to google that one.

You took his last 4.67$!! Big Smile Big Smile

Man, that's just pure evil. What if he had been grinding away for months, building his roll and learning the game, just about to move up to NL20, when you came along with your big stack and the rigged software. Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

To be fair he made some pretty bad calls, I know myself when I've been grinding the micros and somebody for whatever reason has been shoving every stack, I've normally made a few buyins from it, just calling premium PPs and sometimes AK/AQ, whereas this guy was obviously tilting and started calling K5, A2, J8, etc - admittedly he was often ahead - but not by much, always a race like that.

Posted by jessthehuman:
To be fair he made some pretty bad calls, I know myself when I've been grinding the micros and somebody for whatever reason has been shoving every stack, I've normally made a few buyins from it, just calling premium PPs and sometimes AK/AQ, whereas this guy was obviously tilting and started calling K5, A2, J8, etc - admittedly he was often ahead - but not by much, always a race like that.

seems like tilt vs tilt
while you chose to shift few levels down to cooldown, i think he shifted levels up to try to gamble.
would hav been great if u had made a video Tongue

Posted by SuperNoob:
Posted by jessthehuman:
To be fair he made some pretty bad calls, I know myself when I've been grinding the micros and somebody for whatever reason has been shoving every stack, I've normally made a few buyins from it, just calling premium PPs and sometimes AK/AQ, whereas this guy was obviously tilting and started calling K5, A2, J8, etc - admittedly he was often ahead - but not by much, always a race like that.

seems like tilt vs tilt
while you chose to shift few levels down to cooldown, i think he shifted levels up to try to gamble.
would hav been great if u had made a video Tongue

Yeah make a video with half of the screen being you and the other half him. You with a drink in your hand saying "Fook it! Chump change! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" and the other guy saying "That lucky bastard can't have a hand AGAIN, I'm calling!"

Lately when I feel I am tilting I go to a low dollar SNG, and if I don't break out of my spiral I am starting to be able to pull myself away and not damage the old BR too much. Must be old age setting in! Tongue

Jess, why don't you simply ask admin to change the name of this thread to Jess's Blog? Blink

Time for an update:

Run down for month of September -

* Have more or less switched from MTT back to Ring games - I've played a few MTTs which I will detail in a moment. The reason for the switch is basically this:

A) I found I kept losing a LOT of my MTT winnings on the cash tables and after thinking it through and deciding I would never have the discipline to stay away from cash, the only thing for it was to get good at it instead.
B) I read "Professional No Limit Holdem" which is an 'advanced' cash games book, terrific read and I will soon purchase Vol2.
C) Problem with MTTs - I live in Australia which is GMT + 10, or now that we've just entered daylight savings it is actually GMT +11 - this is a significant problem. During the aussie day time I have very limited choices of tourneys - the only 'decent' buyin games are the Candadian Open which starts around 11am for me and is a $30 BI game and gets around 60-80 runners. And then there is the Aussie Open - same format, starts around 7pm aussie time, gets around 100-120 runners.This just isn't enough to sustain me.

The 'good' PKR tournaments - Monte Carlo ($70), Prestige ($109), The Open ($20 400+ runners), etc - they all start around 3am-6am aussie time. Whilst I can sometimes make a day/morning of it, try and get to bed early and wake up early with a coffee and do a big session, the reality is for obvious reasons this just isn't always practical. And what is more, I am just as likely to either a) not get enough sleep or b) be up all night and be very drunk/tired.

D) Rake back - this is a significant issue as well. Because I took a no deposit bonus, the terms of my rake back are fairly bad, I had to play a bit before I could even get a deal and now that I have one it isn't very good - <$500 /mth - 0 RB. >$500 is 10%, >$1K is 15% and >$2K is 20%. To reach 20% there is basically no way from MTTs.

I did play some MTTs however in Sept, the ones worth mentioning for profit reasons are:
The double deuce ($20) 1/93 for $513, Steep Stack ($8) 1/397 for $778 and 3/75 in the Canadian Deep Stack ($50) for $477. The Canadian was a real disappointment, I was sure I was going to win it; when it got to three way the other 2 people were pretty bad and I managed to build a massive 4:1 CL over 2nd place. However, I ran into flopped sets three hands in a row which completely decimated my stack and I just never recovered. I busted with 2-pair that I flopped, which ended up getting counterfeited and I lost to an over pair of 10s due to the paired board Sad

Other notable games were the Monte Carlo ($70) and Prestige ($109) I played both of these at the same time, I bought in direct with my PKR points, so in theory it didn't actually 'cost' me anything.

With the Monte after about the 2.5hr marker I had been doing quite well and built a decent stack - however - somebody I noticed making a lot of moves busted me and I'll explain how and what I did wrong.

I am in hi-jack and it folds to me I look at KQos and make a 2.5x raise, folds to bb who has been very aggressive and stealing a lot who 3-bet me to around 1/4 of our stacks. Now at this point I wasn't sure if I was ahead or not, but I knew it was pretty likely he was trying to steal. However, what I should have done here is either shoved or folded my hand, leaning towards a shove and forcing him to fold out the majority of his stealing/3bet range. However - I called instead, with the intention of calling a bluff on the flop if I hit top pair. What happened though was the board came AQ5 and he checks to me. I banked for a while - he was either holding the nuts (or close too) and was trapping me, else he missed entirely and was giving up. After a bit I shoved my hand and he snap-called A5; needless to say I didn't hit another Q. If I shoved pre, he was definitely folding A5, he was aggressive, but a v good player.

The Prestige was a bigger disaster, after building a pretty decent stack at around the 4hr marker :O I get dealt AQs in the bb, folds to sb who raises 3x, I 3bet him and commit myself, he shoves I call he shows another AQs and rivers the flush. Made me want to cry, was pretty close to being in the money, first place was >$4k as well. To lose AQ vs AQ after 4hrs was a bit of a killer.

Now - September as a whole:

Total profit for September is around $8k - mostly from nl200, but about $1200 or so from MTT and also maybe $1500 from nl400/600/1k - I took a few shots when the tables were really fishy and lucky for me most times they payed off.

I've withdrawn a bit of money, including to buy the engagement ring I mentioned in another thread Smile and I have around 40BI for nl200 left on the account - if this drops to 30BI for nl100 I'll have to switch to that. I've also raked about $3200 for September, so I'll get 20% on that minus $200 for a reload bonus I cleared, so I am due roughly $600 in RB which I should get in the next couple days.

Bit of a rocky start for October - I went out last night to celebrated my engagement with my fiance + family - had quite a few drinks - came home and jumped on 6 tables of nl200, I was down over 5 BI in less than an hour, pretty much ALL from bad play. I was just playing far too loose/passive and get my ass handed to me.

Luckily today I had a pretty good morning session and managed to recover 4 of the 5 buyins I lost. So only down ~$200 for October now, which is no biggie, just one BI and shouldn't be a problem.

Regarding how I've been playing - well - I am really enjoying nl200 - the mix of players is interesting - there are a LOT more LAGs than nl50/100 - which is full of nits. Basically MOST of the good/winning players are extremely aggressive - lots of 3bet bluffs, or at least 'lite' 3bets. And even quite a few lite/bluff 4bets also. Makes the game a LOT more interesting. Position becomes more important than ever, because to stay ahead you simply HAVE to be able to steal.

One of the main things I've brought to my game a LOT recently is floating flops in position - that is, basically calling raises and 3bets with a very wide range in position and if the flop looks to have missed my opponents range, I'll simply flat his c-bet and see what he does on the turn, if he checks it to me I'll bet nearly 100% of the time and go for the steal. Otherwise if he fires another barrel I'll re-assess his range and based on his tendancy to fold/call lite/trap etc I'll either fold or put in a big raise. In particular, I have found floating with weak draws (back door flushes, gut shot straights, etc) to be very profitable, because if you call the c-bet and the turn improves your draw, often you can see the river for free because they back off a bit and if you make your hand, they read your turn check as weak and almost never put you in the shitty draw you got to the river on and you can often get a big payoff here.

During September my biggest downswing was $1600 in a single day of nl200, that really hurt and made me worry I was just on a heater. However, I recovered $1000 the next day and the rest by the day after. Interestingly enough - I only had 3 losing days in September, the other two were both under $500, the rest of the days I either made a profit, or finished break-even + RB.

Basically, this has been my most profitable month ever and before my withdrawals I had a 5 figure bankroll for the first time ever as well.

At the moment I have no trackers installed, so I can't really show you any interesting HHs or graphs. This is further complicated by the fact I don't always play on the one computer - so my HH is split across to machines.

However - I plan on installing one soon and I hope that by the next update I will be able to include some graphs as well as any interesting hands for comment.

GL to everyone !

I've attached my Shark Scope MTT graph as well - however, as I say, only the last $1K or so is September, I really haven't played a whole lot. My cash games graph would be a lot more interesting.

Also - SNGs, my SNG scope was sitting at around minus ($1000) (ARG!) and I was working on fixing this and managed to get it "up" to minus $600. However, I found a HU SNG reg that I was able to figure out a lot of his moves and I played him around 10 games of HU $50 & $100 SNGs and I lost every single one. It was soooo fookin sick, I don't think I've ever run so bad in my life. Just bad beats and coolers one after the other. Was unbelievable and eventually I stopped because I was starting to tilt. It didn't really hurt my roll too bad and I was still having a winning session for the day including cash, however - my shark scope SNG graph is now at minus $1400 !!!!! FFS

So.. I hope by christmas to have that to around $0 lol.

Anyway, I always keep my scope unlocked and my PKR Tourneys page open to public also. If anyone on here finds me on PKR I'll add you as well.

Also - One other thing I forgot to mention - I reached "platinum" club level during september and received a $50 Masters stage 3 ticket and $55 Sunday Grand Prix ticket as a bonus - I've since swapped the Grand Prix for a $55 Canadian Sunday ticket since I can't play the Grand Prix for timezone reasons.

I've already reached 5% to Diamond now lol (Diamond is the top level) - haha, never raked so much.

I am going to look into something else as well - PKR offer private games for club level Silver+. I am going to chat to support to see if I can create a freeroll - if I can I'll probably make it $100-$200 depending on A) How I'm running and B) how much interest there is. If I'm able to do it, then I will get people to list their PKR user names in a thread and I'll PM them via PKR the password and hopefully keep the password thieves out. I'll probably restrict it to members with 50+ posts or something.

Anyway, more on that later, I have to find out if it is possible to add to the prizepool or not - PKR does NOT allow player-to-player transfer - however, I do see private affiliate freerolls runnings on there from time to time, so there may be a way to do this.

Edited by jessthehuman (02 October 2011 @ 02:47 GMT)

Attached ImagesDisplayGraph.png

mother of feck jess i had not checked this thread out i dont think since i think when you started it your on fecking fire man, go get em man!!! Seems your still a bit of a degen for the cash games but thats what i like about you, dont make me feel so bad for days gone by Big Smile Keep up the good work things going well for sure all the same and your giving me inspiration that i sorely need at the moment Thumbs Up

i will have to have a proper read at all these posts i skimmed a good few there and tbh that last post from you i just s**t myself its that big lol but i seen the graph Cool I will check it out tomorrow but once again good stuff Thumbs Up Worship Thumbs Up Worship

wtg jess Worship Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Worship
very nice profit for september and nice to see u dominating at games other than MTT. shame your Rb deal sucks though.
and big Thumbs Up for the freeroll, dont have account at PKR so wont be playin it though.

What to say Jess. You are serious player. Like you sad (and like I sad to you 1000 times before Big Smile) just stay away from cash and drunk playing and you will climb in limits and soon enough you will be one of those PKR pros in magazines. Believe me. You dont have need to spend your poker money so you can use it to climb in levels to serious things. I wish I could do that Sad
Another thing.
I mean that you are player who definitely should be playing PokerStars major tourneys. Invest some money there and play satellites. I have strange filing that you would win BIG there.
See ya

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