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patience patience patience
is always good but one cant always do it

I'm seeing this one a LOT and I can't put my finger on wtf people that do this think. There are these players that call turn bets with two overcards or a gutshot, then make their hand on the river but then DON'T BET on that river having made their hand. And then I'm puzzled ... why the hell did you call then with so bad odds if you are not going to make money when you make your hand???
Now, it is not the case that:
1- the board is scary. This guys sometimes hit a great straight in a rainbow board and still not bet
2- they are not hoping for a check raise...sometimes they just check in position!

I do not get these players...and they really get the best of me as I value bet the hell out of them, they call me down and I get bbeat. Hey, at least I get out cheap...

well,yes!the causes of a beginners mistakes are as complex as the play of a professional Smile
while the first ones realize poker in a certain vision,the second category is doing in absolutely the opposite way when playing a hand Smile


Good Job and Congratulatios. Worship Worship

Posted by darthtony:
One mistake is that most people think that AJ , AQ , A10 are all-in combination , that could be beaten easily !

that's definitely right - most beginners tend to go all-in with these combinations either out of position or after more than one player made a PF raise - this might be the first and last mistake in a game !!

the a.m. combinations should only be used for all-in if you are short-stacked & have only 1 opponent !

don't hesitate to fold these cards - otherwise you loose a lot !!

playing tourneys, you should always be aware of the "zone" you are in & play accordingly:

green = 20 M and up => according to your position and your opponents you should play more solid (premium hands) to build up your stack
yellow = 13-19 M => try to play only premium starting hands, but aklso KTs, QJ etc
grey = 8-12 M => try to re-steal the blinds - but only if 2nd to call/raise
orange = 67- M => reraise only with top hands - best if 2nd to call/raise
red = 1-5 M => play pairs starting with 99, aaas well as AT, AQ etc - best if first to call/raise

M = BB+SB+ante (if any)

and realize that pairs got more chances with only 1 oppent, while connectors are better with more

e.g.: AA in HU got 85% decresing to 35% only with 9 opponents !!

66 in HU got 63% decreasing from 2 opponents and only re-increasing with 8 or more !!

i learnt this last weekend from an austrian poker pro, who already won a bracelet in omaha at WSOP 2000 - following these advices already helped me a lot during the last tourneys played Smile

hope that this will help & wish you good luck & no bad beats Heart

djrush1,from now on not even the calm SSS players will all of them be able to develop their skill as it is becoming a general trend to apply a minimum 30Bb buy-in for them Sad

Great Job... i'll try to improve my poker! Spade Club Heart Diamond

ya i used to get fustrated when i first started but not anymore lol. lose cool, lose everything

Posted by Administrator:

Not quitting when you lose: A lot of players will play on and lose their entire bankroll when they have a bad session with many unlucky losses. It�s very important to take a break, and avoid losing too much of your bankroll.

This is not a mistake, it is probably a fallacy. Chance has no memory so if you are loosing your money and you take a break, the game will still be the same as if you didn't take a break, it really makes no difference. You cannot avoid unlucky losses.

Thinking they are in a casino playing roulette : BIG MISTAKE Thumbs Up

Posted by Emanu:
Posted by Administrator:

Not quitting when you lose: A lot of players will play on and lose their entire bankroll when they have a bad session with many unlucky losses. It�s very important to take a break, and avoid losing too much of your bankroll.

This is not a mistake, it is probably a fallacy. Chance has no memory so if you are loosing your money and you take a break, the game will still be the same as if you didn't take a break, it really makes no difference. You cannot avoid unlucky losses.

the chances are still the same but u can clear your mind and avoid playing on tilt, when u take a brake after some bad beats.

in my opinion the most usual mistakes are when we are beginers we fall easelly in love with TP (top pair) TK (top kicker). Going untill the river just with a question of honour defendinbg the hand that is already beated in the flop most of times cost alot.

I like your TIP on Big Smileont show your cards unless you have a good reason

I never show my cards,when I do,I make sure I have a MONSTER hand like AA,KK,AK,!,at least the opponent knows you mean business and not trying to buff him.

I remember I would fold my cards to a guy,then the IDIOT would show me his cards,they were all crap cards,so eventually I figured him out,and waited till I received a QQ,KK,AA,AK,KQ, then I would CHECK,or just CALL him,until I was at the river,then I would raise or even re-raise,then the IDIOT woud see I had a monster hand!
The IDIOT bluff so many times and showed his hands to make me feel bad,so I patiently waited for a nice hand then CRUSH him!!

Showing or telling people your hand is not a good idea,I think its too much INFO for your opponent!
Thumbs Up Evil Smile Dollar

Being too much comitted to the pot,especially when you put much money in it.Beginners just cannot fold

Ok everybody knows that. But lets be serious. How many times have you broken these rules.

playing with the flow of the table, always want to play opposite the table for better chances at smaller pots. its not who has the best hand, its who makes the best out of the hand they have

Hello everybody!
Many players study at his own harm only, on the clever playful other ones'. Starting poker players fall into mistakes like that often, which is later even, onto a life may discourage them from the game. From these mistakes gyűjtüttünk together some.

The 1. Let us not pretend to be all sheets.

Many beginners fall into this mistake. They sit down to a table and they want to play, quasi with all Lapp. Cardinal mistake, the beginner hand a table shows it what kind of sheets we shall play, what is badder at this it is necessary to get rid of it. Let us elect it what kind of sheets we are engaged in a game with flop elött, a lot will repair on our game.

Good luck all! Tongue

Hello everybody!
The 2. Do not play a taller level, than that bankrollod gives!
If you are a gambler and you want to put all of your money on a hand, you could play the lottery with this much strength then. The largest stupidity, which we may commit,, that our comfort zone without, the bankrollunk accross we play a taller stake at one for which reasons were given. Let us play a low stake initially, any kind of good one our material situation and does not motivate one 5 dollar pots us, if we play a tall stake only to lose our tooth and we get tired of the poker.
Good luck all! Tongue

Hello everybody! Big Smile
The 3. Let us dominate our emotions at the table.
The defeats sometimes not they say hello on a short distance only, there is annoying adversaries always. Let us learn to avail ourselves of this, let us not leave it we will bring bad decisions in order for our emotions to direct us and then we lose more.
Good luck all! Worship Worship Worship

Playing out of position: If players don’t know the importance of position play, they will make very many expensive mistakes. Positions are everything in poker, and most beginners undervalue this.

Read more:

When you are more eperienced, you can use it sometimes in your advantage when your out of position. Most of the time with very agressive players who are betting and raising a lot. I check can hide the strength of your hand and try to flat calling. Blink

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