No christmas without the BankrollMob Christmas Calendar and tons of free gifts and prizes from all our partners. This year we have some boasting $15,000+ gift value in our daily calendar draws. This year however, there are no restrictions to enter, so EVERYONE that has an approved Mob account, have a chance of winning - every day from the 1st -> 24th December. Thats not all. This year we give[...] Read more » BankrollMob Christmas Calendar with $15,000+ in prizes
Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
Age: 33 (F)
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Posted by bambuchea: Where will be the exclusive 1,000 freeroll ?
I would like to know this too ! And I want to say thank you BRM for this opportunity as I can see some of mobster won great prizes as Aussie million ticket/party poker million or sunday tickets ! I wish they will win something big and we will see it on BRM news ! GL
Joined: Mar '10
Location: Croatia
Age: 75 (F)
Posts: 1038
I know that next year I wouldn't open any doors because some members don't have any reward and same member won 3 tickets to big tournaments and few rewards for good behavior and some members said it's 370 000 members why you angry when you not won something,because 369 000 was here only once in life and never after registration,and because of that if is "370 000 members" how one member can won 4 or 5 times,Merry Christmast to all !! Only I get from BRM was rejected for my PKR gift which is requested after 3 days of playing to be ended to Christmast, and everything is ok with my request but it's 2nd time when I request gift that is rejected and after they give me that gift but before I must send 5 e-mails with account page of pokers where is gift,I must do they work,they must check that and when they rejected my gift I send them proof on silver plate,thank you.
Joined: Feb '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 5713
Wow what a Christmas Calender. No one knew who was going to win what or when. Isn't that just the excitement of something that involves no skill, just pure luck and where some people win nothing and some win something, even more than once. All in the spirit of Christmas, not just giving everyone something, a bit like the teacher in my local school who gave all of the children an A+ for their assignment, even the ones who deserved a D-. I can't believe people moan they didn't win. It cost nothing to play so those who got nothing lost nothing. Christmas is about giving and not taking. Peace to all.