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Eastgate and Demidov signs for PokerStars

Tags: Ivan Demidov, Peter Eastgate, PokerStars, team pokerstars.
Posted on 03 April 2009 by "T".

The two played heads-up in 2008's WSOP Main Event final table and Eastgate became the youngest player ever to win the main event in WSOP. From now on they will be teammates and fight for titles in the name of PokerStars as both of them just have signed a sponsor contract to become a part of Team PokerStars Pro's.

Peter Eastgate and Ivan Demidov were among the last 9 players in WSOP Main Event when the tournament was stopped in July, 2008. The final table was played a couple of months later (December 2008) so the people and sponsors behind WSOP could get media to write more about the final table and its players so it would be the best and most thrilling final table ever, and at the same time to make more money out of it.

Final table
When it was time for the final table all players were guaranteed at least $900,670, but of course all of the aimed to take home the whole tournament. Both Eastgate and Demidov had pretty decent stacks at the final table (around 20 million chips) and both of them played very well and took the best decisions at the same time as they weren't afraid to go out of the tournament. Thanks to that both of them were the 2 players that were going to play heads-up.

Down to heads-up
It was a quite long and tight fight but Eastgate was the better player with the most chips, and when Demidov flopped 2 pairs and went all-in a happy Peter Eastgate called him with his straight and took home the amazing amount of around $9 million dollars! Demidov probably wasn't that disappointed with his second place which game him $5.8 million?


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15 comments on "Eastgate and Demidov signs for PokerStars"

 GeneYuss04/04/2009 15:21:13 GMT
Does Pokerstars pay them or just pay for all their tournaments and stuff like that?

Ivan Demidov's sharkscope..Maybe he just plays live.
 M3turbo04/04/2009 15:25:31 GMT
They are not allowed to discuss the financials....part of the contract they signed.

I guess they get entry's to the tours they want Confused
 B1gfoot04/04/2009 15:28:30 GMT
Yes they get paid P/H (i guess its diffrent for diffrent players but think its $33ph) all fees etc paid for and they get to keep winnings (again depending some might be 100% outhers 85%) but also have to do interviews promoting etc.

M3, i guess the get entries to touns they want, yep, and hotels, food, ahem women cough cough etc etc.
 GeneYuss04/04/2009 15:35:46 GMT
M3turbo, Ya, I'm not sure. But I seen Clonie Gowan's case with Full Tilt and she's suing them for like $40 million. So I thought maybe they get paid a lot of $.

B1gfoot, they only make $33 p/h? That's when they're playing online? I think I heard one time they get $250,000 for promoting at the final table of some tournaments.
 M3turbo04/04/2009 15:43:36 GMT
We'll never know for sure cause everyone who get's signed are thrilled and wont risk their new contractl to tell the world which advantages the contract carries.
Im pretty sure they are not hourly paid.

The red FTP pro's get 100% rakeback that's all I know about the FTP contract.
 B1gfoot04/04/2009 15:57:25 GMT
Its all diffrent for diffrent players, promoters sites etc.
But from what iv seen they get a PH pay for playing in a game + % of winnings obviously all fees paid and extras that go with it, but like Geneyuss it will be diffrent $ for the promotion side.
Iv seen $33 somewere and sure its for PS but again that will all vary from player to player it might be bottem line??
Clonie Gowan's case is a funny one, as far as im awar its not for loss of pay its for the % of the company she says she owns (full tilt) might look in to that later.
 GeneYuss04/04/2009 16:48:03 GMT
I think she is suing for breach of contract. She was promised 1% of full Tilt but only paid $250,000.

40million than she thinks Full Tilt is worth 4 billion. Is Howard Lederer the owner of Full Tilt?
 Bizla04/04/2009 17:22:22 GMT
Eastgate is amazing
 horsefaceman06/04/2009 17:05:01 GMT
eastgate was very goood at the main event but he was catching cards all over the place!!! demidov is a very solid player too.
 CBET07/04/2009 19:19:59 GMT
and why I am not Demidov's brother... He is 2 but I woulg be pleased to have a little percentage from the money that he won... I like everything FREE!!!
 Skyggeman10/04/2009 21:15:04 GMT
Thinks that Ivan D. is pretty disappointed
 ArpSoft17/04/2009 16:41:11 GMT
Eastgate is prity amazing...
 Vinyull20/04/2009 11:29:46 GMT
Peter Eastgate and Ivan Demidov, and me - super pokerstars team
 MANUEDO20/04/2009 12:34:15 GMT
I think they will have lots of benefits: free buy in for torunaments PS wants them to play, gadgets ( shirts included Big Smile ) and of course money, money and money Dollar Dollar
 Nefyx20/04/2009 12:38:15 GMT
Two very good players.. good choice

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