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Man drank 42 beers - at the poker table!

Tags: australia, beer, Star City Casino, sydney.
Posted on 06 January 2011 by "K".

During new year's eve a man walked into the Star City Casino in Sydney, Australia. While he was playing poker, he ordered beer after beer. 17 hours later, one of casino employees realized that they had served 1 person 42 beers. The man, who had drank 42 beers, couldn't walk on his own, so the casino personnel had to help him out of the casino.

The casino has now received a fine of 10,000 AUD because they let an obviously drunk person play poker. The bartender in charge that night was fired shortly after - along with 2 other casino employees. Apart from firing 3 employees, the Star City Casino has contacted the authorities and newspapers and told them that the man lured its employees with his poker skills. 


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50 comments on "Man drank 42 beers - at the poker table!"

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» Man drank 42 beers - at the poker table!

 dule-vu09/01/2011 01:52:20 GMT
Posted by duck_1991:
wow Smile is that a poker skill ? Smile) but how did he went to the bathroom all the time ? Smile)
but they proppbably was at 0.33 l

maybe its 0,25 Big Smile !but whatever it is,its not like that all persons are guilty,I suppose that this 3 employees didnt work for whole 17 hours of his stay in casino?who work 17 hours at casinos,so if they have shifts,they couldnt know how much he drink earlier!and its stupid law,if he is not aggressive,why he cant play poker drunk?!
 Avalonn09/01/2011 08:15:26 GMT
Haha niiiiice, I hope I can play against someone like that Tongue fishfishfish Big Smile He'll probably make some realy bad calls etc. Should be fun!
 clzock09/01/2011 15:56:55 GMT
well why they get fired ---did the men win ?? dont think so

he is just drunken nothing else

 Fakiry09/01/2011 17:01:56 GMT
But 17 houtrs is a lot of time to drink 42 beers. I believe he didnt eat a think while drinking, that must have ruined him, in all terms, at the tables and in the stomach!!! Smile Poor employees...
 MANUEDO09/01/2011 17:20:10 GMT
Two beer or not two beer ? This is the question .... Blink Blink Blink
 duck_199109/01/2011 17:21:53 GMT
Posted by dule-vu:
Posted by duck_1991:
wow Smile is that a poker skill ? Smile) but how did he went to the bathroom all the time ? Smile)
but they proppbably was at 0.33 l

maybe its 0,25 Big Smile !but whatever it is,its not like that all persons are guilty,I suppose that this 3 employees didnt work for whole 17 hours of his stay in casino?who work 17 hours at casinos,so if they have shifts,they couldnt know how much he drink earlier!and its stupid law,if he is not aggressive,why he cant play poker drunk?!

maybe he is sick ... cronic alcoholic ... so he plays better drunk .he probably was winning thats why they kicked him out Smile)
 IslandJack09/01/2011 21:19:26 GMT
"Lured" the employees with his Poker skills? LMAO! Big Smile

What? He "bluffed" them intoz thnkin hez onle hd tri brzz? plfzrzw....
What a load of bollocks! Worship

I didn´t know it was against the law to play Poker while drunk?
 dule-vu10/01/2011 00:48:19 GMT
Posted by duck_1991:
Posted by dule-vu:
Posted by duck_1991:
wow Smile is that a poker skill ? Smile) but how did he went to the bathroom all the time ? Smile)
but they proppbably was at 0.33 l

maybe its 0,25 Big Smile !but whatever it is,its not like that all persons are guilty,I suppose that this 3 employees didnt work for whole 17 hours of his stay in casino?who work 17 hours at casinos,so if they have shifts,they couldnt know how much he drink earlier!and its stupid law,if he is not aggressive,why he cant play poker drunk?!

maybe he is sick ... cronic alcoholic ... so he plays better drunk .he probably was winning thats why they kicked him out Smile)

yeah maybe he did,who know!and especially if they thought that with if drink so much beer,he would lost lot of money,but maybe just opposite thing happend!we will never know Big Smile
 todd331110/01/2011 12:25:05 GMT
you no how the casino works when it comes to them takeing your money the skys the limit but when it comes to us takeing there money O thats a no,no,,,you can bet your ass if he was winning if would of been asked to leave much sooner
 rarkaplus10510/01/2011 14:59:45 GMT
Wow! Congrats for this gay! BTW i think that casino has sick rules!
 seqaz10/01/2011 22:36:56 GMT
wow thats just insane, wonder how it could be allowed even. lols. if it was "light" beer i guess it would be fine Big Smile
 magatt96611/01/2011 00:13:42 GMT
Posted by rarkaplus105:
Wow! Congrats for this gay! BTW i think that casino has sick rules!

strange story: a gay who drunk 42 bears Big Smile Big Smile
 Whitey18/01/2012 09:11:25 GMT
42 is the answer to everything... What would you do, if you have a downstring? drink beer... how much? The answer is Fourtytwooooo (42)...

Big Smile
 IceFingers18/01/2012 09:34:40 GMT
The person who kept taking the orders should of noticed he was intoxicated, and not able to function properly, the casino in question imo deserves the fine if they have staff like that.
 elfmafia18/01/2012 13:07:13 GMT
3 beers an hour is not a lot he must have had the metabolism of a child

only real men drink real bears Blink
 DaCapo7118/01/2012 19:45:31 GMT
One Bear is dangerous, but a lot of Bears i had never see in the nature Big Smile
But a bear can drink over 40 beers but he had not enough money to pay Blink
 mahdrof18/01/2012 20:44:39 GMT
A few questions need to be answered here:

1) How long did it take for them to pass the bears through a blender so that the man could drink them?

2) Did they include the fur, bones and teeth?

3) Did he drink them from a glass or straight from the pitcher?

BRM members want to know! Angry
 Greenmohave18/01/2012 22:22:28 GMT
For one the Bartender usually has no clue who's being served and after 17 hours you'd think that more then one person served this individual besides a complete shift change within 17 hours. Something sure smells fishy about this story.................
 arthur7219/01/2012 00:12:37 GMT
Posted by muquirana:
this guy is crazy or realy, realy very fat lol
real fat guy... nice guy

At least spell properly if you are going to label someone its REALLY!!!!! Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!
 farynho11/02/2012 10:27:52 GMT
I never drink when I play poker because I cant play normally when I'm drunk.
 jomull5728/05/2012 21:02:50 GMT
how did he hold his piss for that long i go every 15 mins when i have a beer i think he pissed his pants lol

how much alcohol is in a Australian beer
 mahdrof29/05/2012 01:02:25 GMT
They finally corrected the title from "42 bears" to "42 beers". I thought it was a better story when it was "bears". Smile
 Mober29/05/2012 15:07:00 GMT
I dont know how you see it mahdrof but on my screen it is still 42 bears.
Unless they saw your comment and changed it back to original Smile

Just noticed this after my post.
It is beers when you have clicked on the thread, but the forum's title is still bears Smile
 damosk29/05/2012 21:48:01 GMT
Bears or beers, after 42 I would be on my back covered in pee, whether my own or the bears I dont think Id care or know too much. But hey...all respect to the guy for getting that much attention....where did he end up after he was walked out?
 uhhcallmi31/05/2012 05:10:40 GMT
probably on u-tube.... under alcohol abuse video's..

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