Just about three years ago, Tom "durrrr" Dwan and Daniel "jungleman12" Cates agreed to play 50,000 hands as a part of a heads-up challenge at Full Tilt Poker. The rules were that Dwan would get $500,000 from Cates if he won the challenge, and Cates would get $1,500,000 from Dwan if he won. Now, as you probably already know, the two pros have only played about 19,000 hands and it seems like a lifetime ago when they played last.
Now the good news... according to a forum post by Daniel Cates, the challenge is set to resume in August. Cates wrote that he and Dwan have agreed to play a minimum of 4,000 hands in August and a minimum of 8,000 hands the followings months until the challenge is completed.
Cates is currently holding the lead with a $1,251,059 profit after 19,335 played hands. Besides that, he's been running very good at Full Tilt Poker as of late, so you can't blame him for wanting to complete the challenge and, most probably, get $1.5 million from Tom Dwan.