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Shaun Deeb contracts COVID-19, still Played Online while in Mexico Hospital Bed

Tags: coronavirus, Mexico, Shaun Deeb.
Posted on 30 September 2020 by "T".

Grinding the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) in Mexico is a yearly event for poker player Shaun Deeb.

The American poker pro has to take a trip to Mexico so that he can play these events, and so far has accumulated 57 online cashes since August 30. For Deeb, the trip is typically worth it as he is easily one of the most successful WCOOP players of all time, with several bracelets under his name.

However, this year Deeb faced a whole new different challenge outside of the poker tables. Last Sunday evening, he recently revealed on his Twitter account that he had contracted COVID-19 while he was in Mexico.

"So I've been keeping this quiet last week and a half, but I have COVID now and I think I'm going to need your guys help making a tweet or two go viral so I don't have to get hospitalized in Mexico."

It has been said that there are those who get infected with the virus are lucky enough to have minor symptoms or asymptomatic (no symptoms), but for Deeb, he has definitely struggled with it.

His symptoms went pretty bad, so he had to finally check himself in to a hospital in Mexico.

The most notable problem Deeb experienced about this disease was that he seems to have a hard time getting himself constantly hydrated, because he quickly sweats out most of the water he drinks. He also complained about severe chills, among other unpleasant symptoms.

The (grind) battle the hospital

Unlike others who will easily get disheartened when they find out they tested positive for the novel coronavirus, Shaun Deeb still went on with his daily grind. He continued to play in WCOOP events online even while battling the symptoms of COVID-19.

Deeb replied to his inquiring fans via Twitter that he's getting better thanks to the IV treatment and medicines. The very next day he tweeted a light-hearted thought about his situation, "You [are] not really a #wcoop grinder if you're not one-handed 10 tabling on touch pad in a Mexican hospital with [COVID-19]".

However, his next tweet revealed the seriousness of what he's going through.

He also admits that the virus has run him "into the ground", but was optimistic saying, "Poker has trained me for this fight you have to show up every day ignore the results and do what you're told I'll have better days and days I'll feel I won't make it but can't give up mentally then you'll lose."

Bringing home the bacon

Shaun Deeb appears to be recovering nicely and should be joining his family soon. When he returns to America, he will surely be bringing home some impressive WCOOP results to his name. Through September 20, Dee earned a total of $95,754 across 57 tournament cashes. In four of those events, he reached the top 10, and had his biggest cash of the month in a $5,200 Pot-Limit Omaha 6-Max event where he finished in 7th place for $28,596.

As he multi-tables tournaments from his Mexico hospital bed, he's expected to make more cashes on the way. Despite getting the dreaded coronavirus, Deeb said some of his best poker results were achieved during this trip.

Deeb was released on Thursday, September 25 and will stay a bit longer in Mexico until he is cleared by government officials to return to the United States.



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19 comments on "Shaun Deeb contracts COVID-19, still Played Online while in Mexico Hospital Bed"

 dule-vu30/09/2020 12:06:00 GMT
so he had even luck with this corona,no matter that he was in hospital,he still could play online poker and he got money from this playing,so he cant say that everything was bad for him on this trip in mexico!I know that this was very strange situation for him,but he could learn something from this!its good that he is ok now and he could return to usa!
 CALICUL30/09/2020 16:57:31 GMT
Covid 19 is a simple cold that fooled the world as if it were deadly. People die every year from pneumonia, seasonal flu or infectious diseases. Shaun Deeb he probably didn't find out, because in USA he is more interested in poker. Anyway, speedy recovery.
 geseco1230/09/2020 19:14:57 GMT
I'm just telling you to be positive and that everything will work out, I hope you get back soon and so you play poker as usual.
 CALICUL02/10/2020 17:29:30 GMT
Latest news: Donald and Melania Trump have coronavirus. A message that announced about president of United States & his wife were positive after testing. They will be quarantined at home, after positive result at COVID-19 ”. Now any cold is called like this mini virus.
 dule-vu03/10/2020 14:27:05 GMT
now trump is in big problems,he is hospital,he is on oxygen and he is in problmes!he have enough years to have bigger problems because of corona and now everything is different in america!you will see what will happen if he will die or if he will need to go from his president function!you already have problems on stock exchange and just few days ago he had big smile because he dont need to have mask,on that debate!
 antonis32103/10/2020 15:50:08 GMT
Despite being so ill from COVID-19 , he managed to face with determination this illness , having by his side his wife , and he finally got well and returned home in Mexico , waiting to return to US ,maybe by now Mexico officials might have already give them the OK . . . .
and they are back home . . all together . . . as a family . . . that 's what matters most than everything else in life Kiss

 CALICUL04/10/2020 08:00:14 GMT
Donald Trump plays all games of those who lead humanity from the shadow. New world Order are his masters and he play a lot of theater & circus. I hate these lies and we must overthrow corrupt governments. I can't trust them.
 dule-vu04/10/2020 15:03:21 GMT
somebody is in hospital and somebody not,but we dont know how this can affect on some person!ofcourse more person have problems with cancer,heart and other things,but still you cant say that this is nothing!man who had many jokes on corona virus,now is person that have it!so what to say more!
 antonis32104/10/2020 20:20:04 GMT
To continue my previous post . . . . I was saying that the most important thing in life is ti have your family by your side . But ofcourse , sb has to feed them , to bring the bacon to them , as the article very successfully mentions . And Shaun Deeb , although he was in the hospital , on his bed , using a ipad if i am not mistaken , he won some thousands of dollars for them . Daddy did his awesome job , even when he was the one who needed care , he even then cared for his family and their future . This is awesome Worship Worship Worship

Thumbs Up
 dule-vu05/10/2020 15:57:45 GMT
well you cant say to me that only thing with what he can "feed family" is to play poker?ofcourse I dont mean on big pro's that earn so much money for years that they can stop playing or they are doing only this thing in life!first thing for him and his family was that he get well and they he can play poker or do some other job!
 CALICUL06/10/2020 10:27:20 GMT
Coronavirus tests give colossal errors and it is mockery of politicians against citizens from all over the world. I can't believe that are so many people who still believe in this lie. I would love to see Shaun Deeb do analysis 10 times for Covid 19 and after let's see results...
 antonis32106/10/2020 12:16:11 GMT
Big pros have many ways to bring \\ bacon '' home , but ofcourse they have , like Shaun Deeb , an edge on playing poker or HS poker , that's why they keep on doing it , or else they would start their normal job , for whitch they probably have a degree or they would keep an eye only for their investments or their shops they have bought with their winnings all this time . Some players suddenly realise they cannot win anymore and stop playing and return to their real life simple '' normal'' job , some others , instantly , like Darvin Moon , after a life changing winning amount of money return to their normal life .
Deeb did played in the hospital , as a Wcoop ''REAL GRINDER'' Smile
 dule-vu06/10/2020 18:09:37 GMT
well antonis this players and other players cant play on lot of places poker,because he is from usa,so he cant play online anywhere,he dont lot of places that he can play live ttournaments in his country,so thats why he travel to play poker!but if this corona situaton continue and maybe get even worse,he will not have way to play at all,so he will need to find other way to earn money!
 CALICUL07/10/2020 11:53:34 GMT
Now it remains to be seen if he will admit that has a cold, flu or pneumonia. The important thing is that it recovers and there was no need to be heavier medical interventions for save his life through those devices that are used in intubation etc ...
 antonis32107/10/2020 18:08:21 GMT
Well dule -vu , he , and other US players , seem to have found the best way , to play poker and be with their families and their other businesses back in US , despite black Friday and all these prohibitions and dificulties , thanks to Canada , Mexico , and WSOP and Las vegas or other casinos in USA , maybe ACR also lol , and a lot of crazyness not to abandon the thing they love most , just because some bureaucrats in Washington changed their plans for poker and online poker some years ago . . This shows that if you really want sth , you ill overcome any obstacle in life , well almost anything , lol
 dule-vu07/10/2020 19:48:21 GMT
well yeah,this pro's and players with big bank account need to go in other countries or even to move to live there,like some of them to go in canada,just that they can play online poker,because they dont have any other way for it!dont know till when this will be case with them,but even we had news how big company with many of betting sites (poker stars also) want to pay licence and to come to usa market,but this still didnt happen!
 CALICUL08/10/2020 12:16:03 GMT
We don't have to focus on coronavirus. Vaccinations for peoples is main concern of new world order... who leading all world from the shadows. They will implant nanobots in us and after that will decide how long our life will be. Such a thing is awful.
 geseco1214/11/2020 05:54:55 GMT
No person is saved from contracting this virus, we only have to take care not to infect others, well online poker helps you when you are playing it does not matter if you are sick or not, poker is still played to die. That this pro of poker be very careful so that he is 100% and of everything in the tournament.
 CALICUL15/11/2020 09:14:54 GMT
Now in my country winter is coming and people get pneumonia, seasonal flu, various virosis or respiratory infections. Handling is at maximum levels because all are passed with Covid 19 by the corrupt government... Many cases like this happen all over the planet.

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