Joined: Jun '10
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 46 (M)
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Posted by Smocke: Thanks but why is Q7 called the "Computer hand"?
Q7 is called the computer hand because according to the computer it will win more than most hands on average,iv heard that before!
Posted by duck_1991:
Posted by fini: Hi All!
Cool Hand Poker the side of the poker players liking the calm, occasional game, since they do their best, that the maniac gamblers, and let the sharks avoid them. A quiet one is place where the game gives pleasure. They have low and tables with a medium stake only. With a pleasant inpayment bonus, daily freerollokkal, which ones we may take up the cudgels for prize in kinds on some, in truth with a kind customer service, and the ones looking for the occasional recreation are waited for with special weekend actions.
is this a review ? you are so far from the right place to post this )
yeah i was thinking the same and coolhand poker are piss,they took back the tickets i won after 3days and i told them i would cancel my account if they didnt give them back and they finally gave them,its the principle,shouldnt give them as prizes and expect them back because u havent used them in a few days,but what has coolhand got todo with here and why are u giving a review,lol!
Joined: Aug '09
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 43 (M)
Posts: 29
Never new there were sooooooooo many names for different pocket cards. Nice too know and great post, very LOL. My favorite pocket cards are still them ROCKETS >>>>>
Joined: Oct '09
Location: Lithuania
Age: 44 (M)
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ty good thread ill never see that before so no i copy and print that text i ll have it near my computer allways then i ll poker QQ also have 4 boobs name good luck and have fun
Joined: Feb '11
Location: Georgia
Age: 35 (M)
Posts: 4
my favorite card is Q9 heart! I won final head up in 500$ I won 75 $ my card Q9 heart oponent KK FLOP --- > QQ9 turn A river 7! (best hand Q9 and 72 ) ))) anddddd Q9 Q my wife 9 my NICE ! Q9 (Q(wife) 9(nine NICE) wifee niceeeeeeeee