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High Stakes: Ole-Kristian Nergard takes home his biggest ever live pot

Tags: high stakes, macau, norway, Ole-Kristian Nergard.
Posted on 01 March 2012 by "T".

About 2 weeks ago we wrote about the 19-year-old Norwegian poker player Ole-Kristian Nergard and his trip to Macau. He was running well in Macau's big game then and it seems like he's still going strong.

In fact, according to Andrew Feldman - who's also taking part in the big games, the Norwegian young-gun took home a pot of amazing 3.6 million Hong King Dollar (about USD 465,000) the other day and mucked the winning hand on the river. According to Nergard's twitter, it was the biggest pot of his poker career.

For the ones who have followed Ole-Kristian Nergard and Andrew Feldman on twitter lately it's not a secret that they don't like each other all that much. The main reason for this is that Feldman tweets not-so-nice comments about Nergard's game. For example:

Andrew Feldman: Results are's official: @oknergard needs a new pair of glasses !! #shuddagonetospecsavers

Andrew Feldman: @oknergard is calling everyone in the game to find out what they think and is going to check the casino cameras...


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8 comments on "High Stakes: Ole-Kristian Nergard takes home his biggest ever live pot"

 Fakiry01/03/2012 13:44:10 GMT
I think this two must have been friends before this new step in Ole-Kristian Nergard, and now Andrew Feldman is jealous and don’t know how to act towards this great news that put Nergard in the top of the list list of future best high stakes players. It would be better to see Andrew Feldman try to humiliate Nergard at the tables, if he has what it takes to do that.
 kwasac01/03/2012 16:49:16 GMT
You are right Fakiry.
 PkrToucan01/03/2012 20:31:29 GMT
Wizard of broken english.
 TheMachineQC02/03/2012 08:16:21 GMT
That's a really huge pot for a 19 years old! Does he have rich parents or what? Big Smile

I've never heard of him though. Is he really that good?
 Endre8902/03/2012 08:46:14 GMT
I dont think that it has to do with his parents, I think that his skils took him where hi is. Big Smile
 pochui02/03/2012 12:07:29 GMT
i would have totally nothing against taking a half million pot myself...just need to save some green for a trip to macau, and take out a loan from "good fellas of macau" to bring some dope to the table, i am sure that there would be no stopping of my excellence- so gonna start saving the cash
 gogo702/03/2012 21:52:21 GMT
Oh, that's only like 57686 times more then my biggest pot. Big Smile
 Billy231107/03/2012 10:08:04 GMT
That's a really huge pot for a 19 years old!
Good for him...

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