On Tuesday, PokerStars announced that Viktor "Isildur1" Blom and the site mutually had agreed to part ways. The very next day the world's largest poker site signed comedian Gerry Dee, the star in the weekly sitcom Mr.D on CBC. Dee will represent PokerStars' free-play site PokerStars.net and will be starring in an upcoming PokerStars commercial that will air throughout the fall to promote a series of free online poker tournaments where Canadians can win a trip to Bahamas and play in the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure.
"I'm better at math and statistics than the teacher you see on TV, so I'm not a bad poker player. I'm no pro but I've always been a bit of a poker buff. I really admire the skill it takes to compete at the top level. I'm excited about this partnership and am looking forward to improving my game!" said Dee.
Click here to check out Gerry Dee at the 2009 Just for Laughs Festival.