Poker news tagged with 'girlfriend'

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Daniel Negreanu's New Girlfriend

Tags: Amanda Leatherman, Daniel Negreanu, girlfriend, interview, Team PokerStars Pro
Posted on 29 August 2014 by "T".

Sportbladet Poker, the poker section of Aftonbladet - Sweden's biggest newspaper, recently met up with Daniel Negreanu at Arts Hotel (during EPT Barcelona) for an interview. In the interview, Daniel talked about getting his heart broken and meeting his new girlfriend, Marissa Rachelle Rodney - a hairstylist in Las Vegas.

Read more » Daniel Negreanu's New Girlfriend


Sam Trickett Has Proposed To His Girlfriend

Tags: girlfriend, married, natasha sandhu, Proposed, sam trickett
Posted on 03 January 2013 by "T".

The British poker pro Sam Trickett, 26, is soon a married man. On Monday, Trickett, who has won millions of dollars live and online, announced via twitter that he proposed to his girlfriend, Natasha Sandhu, on New Year's Eve.

Trickett asked Natasha whilst celebrating with friends at Whisky Mist, one of London's trendiest nightclubs, and she said yes. He and his future wife have received lots of congratulatory messages on twitter since breaking the news.

Sam Trickett won more than 11 million dollars in live tournaments last year. Most probably he won't win that much this year, but what does it matter when you're in love?



Barry Greenstein: "sometimes finding the best game means traveling"

Tags: atlantic city, barry greenstein, girlfriend, las vegas, los angeles, philadelphia, poker, travel
Posted on 29 November 2012 by "T".

On Wednesday, Barry "the Robin Hood of poker" Greenstein posted a blog on traveling to find the best games in poker. Barry wrote that he hasn't been traveling much as of late and as a result of that he has missed out on many good games.

"One of the things that I haven't done recently as much as I should have is travel to play in good games. When I was younger and single, if there was a good poker situation I found out where it was and went there, because I was free to travel. I just hopped on a plane, had some contacts, and got in the game.

Read more » Barry Greenstein: "sometimes finding the best game means traveling"


MacPhee and Selbst Levelling War at EPT Berlin

Tags: boy friend, ept berlin, fight, girlfriend, kevin macphee, liv boeree, pokerstars, vanessa selbst
Posted on 09 November 2012 by "T".

In the most recent episode of the 2012 EPT Berlin Main Event, Team PokerStars Pro Vanessa Selbst and Kevin MacPhee played a very interesting hand. Selbst betted 17k from UTG, MacPhee reraised to 37,000. Selbst made it 79k, and MacPhee 5-bet to 131k. Selbst asked Kevin MacPhee how much he had left, then went all in. MacPhee made the call after 1 minute of going through potential hands Selbst could have.

Read more » MacPhee and Selbst Levelling War at EPT Berlin

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