Last Sunday, another SuperStar Showdown was played at PokerStars. This time Viktor "Isildur1" Blom took on Terje "Terken89" Augdal from Norway, and it ended up being one of the most action-filled SuperStar Shodown matches so far. Already in the first hand both players went all-in - Blom with TT and Augdal with AK. Two aces fell on the board and Augdal took a $10,000 lead. However, about 100 hands later, Blom was suddenly in the lead with about $7,000. And after 250 hands had been played, his lead had increased with another $10,000, and 50 hands later another $5000.
Read more » SuperStar Showdown: Viktor Blom wins action-filled match against "Terken89"