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Eastgate auctions of his bracelet

Tags: bracelet, Eastgate, main event.
Posted on 16 November 2010 by "J".

The Danish ex-world champion has decided to auction off the trophy from the victory in the WSOP Main Event from 2008 to a good cause - It's still just gathering dust, explains 'Isser'.

Five Danes are in possession of one or more WSOP bracelets, which is proof of a victory in a tournament during the World Series of Poker, but the group could soon shrink to only four members.

Eastgate, winner of the WSOP Main Event 2008, is auctioning off his bracelet on auction site eBay. The money is not kept by him, but donated to the charity organisation UNICEF.

- Of course I still feel great pride in my title, but the bracelet will never be used, says Peter Eastgate in a press release and continues

- I never actually wear any jewelry and such. So I thought that they could get better benefits from the bracelet and hopefully it will do alot of people good, he explains.


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23 comments on "Eastgate auctions of his bracelet"

 C55L16/11/2010 14:32:22 GMT
He will get good poker karma.
 racpxt16/11/2010 15:54:57 GMT
He is doing the right thing, worst ME winner ever, in the worst HU ever. Getting rid of and undeserved trophy and donate to charity seems the right thing to do. If he was good enough player he wouldn't have retired one and a half year after that victory.
 B1gfoot16/11/2010 16:00:29 GMT
Posted by racpxt:
If he was good enough player he wouldn't have retired one and a half year after that victory.

Why, players never quit, its in the blood.
Well as its for charity then I guess its good off him, id just keep it on show myself, It would be sad for someone to buy it for more than its actuall worth (gold) Its like buying a trophy from a football game you never played in etc.
 Cliffem16/11/2010 16:16:36 GMT
This is literally the worst thing iv heard WTF PE! Sorry to be so negative but what are you doing??? Give some of the intrest on your huge ammount of money away,you probably get $20,000 aday intrest on $10,000,000!! Personally id never ever ever sell a braccelet! PE has lost every ounce of respect from me totally,absolute idiot to be honest Sad Sad
 Queenteesa16/11/2010 16:23:46 GMT
I to agree that a wsop bracelet should never be sold, givin away, or auctioned. Only exception is handing it down to your kids.
 mahdrof16/11/2010 16:26:55 GMT
I wasn't ware he had retired, life is too busy for me to pay attention to the problems of millionaires. Even if I got to the point where I had made enough money from poker to retire and focus on something else, I would still play - it's a fun game. Maybe he just needs to do something else for a while, lock in his money and start over at small stakes. I would not auction off the bracelet however, I would just donate the equivalent amount. Winning the ME bracelet with all the entrants has become pretty much once in a liftetime; he may regret that decision.
 gatorcountry16/11/2010 19:18:30 GMT
I was unaware that PE retired. As far as the bracelet goes..Its his bracelet if he wants to sell it keep it or whatever thats his choice doesnt bother me one bit either way. Im surprised he retired though seemed liked a great player.
 jpoblong16/11/2010 21:35:07 GMT
at least the bracelet is auctioned for a good cause. unicef is a good charitable institution to donate. good job Eastgate! im sure you will have more blessings to come.
 dule-vu17/11/2010 00:49:24 GMT
and this is great news Worship !if he think like he says,that this is the best thing to do,sell as much as he can and then give in charity Thumbs Up !its good that still exist this kind of people!
 oliver08229817/11/2010 02:02:22 GMT
Posted by C55L:
He will get good poker karma.

it's for a charity; nobody gets karma for that... Big Smile Worship
 Gr8donkie17/11/2010 07:41:23 GMT
Posted by oliver082298:
Posted by C55L:
He will get good poker karma.

it's for a charity; nobody gets karma for that... Big Smile Worship

he he Smile.
 ZmxPowah17/11/2010 08:58:23 GMT
It's always nice when somebody gives smth for charity. But i won't be buying something like that for sure. Why do i need someone else bracelet? Kinda lame imo.
 mazas17/11/2010 09:21:24 GMT
good decision becouse he doing good job and this braslete just luying in his home and do nothing but money will help a lot off people
good job hope more poker players do the same in not long future Smile
 DaMessiah66617/11/2010 10:32:56 GMT
For me it's a good action with a better purpose. I wish more multimillionaries pro players would make similar actions, instead of wasting their money in stupid actions
 Sapoazul17/11/2010 13:51:12 GMT
Ohhh.. Good! I will Win this bracelet..

I am Very bealtifou with jewerly! Big Smile kkk
 Cliffem17/11/2010 16:01:04 GMT
You guys are missing the point,yes its nice to give to charity,but this guy has 10 mill in his bank why not give some of that why sell your bracelet,seems madness to me!!
 SuperNoob18/11/2010 18:23:11 GMT
Posted by Cliffem
You guys are missing the point,yes its nice to give to charity,but this guy has 10 mill in his bank why not give some of that why sell your bracelet,seems madness to me!!

atleast hes doing something and that bracelet is his property too
 T3ddyKGB18/11/2010 19:18:27 GMT
think i would do the same..
hang it on a wall? no thanks...guess it just would end up somehwere in my cellar, so why not spend it for charity..
tony just jelaous Tongue

wasnt it eastegate who complained a few weeks ago thtat bractlet has no real material worth ?

 dule-vu19/11/2010 01:27:52 GMT
so who put best price for this bracelet?is still tony g. in lead Aww crap! !hope that somebody would give better price for this bracelet,not this annoying guy!
 ZmxPowah19/11/2010 03:30:05 GMT
Posted by dule-vu:
so who put best price for this bracelet?is still tony g. in lead Aww crap! !hope that somebody would give better price for this bracelet,not this annoying guy!

Why? I really think his dog deserve it! He would look nice with it.
 Dellbo9919/11/2010 10:41:06 GMT
If he really valued his ME win - he would never sell it.

I really hope Tony G's dog gets it though LMFAO
 Cliffem19/11/2010 17:33:23 GMT
If PE insists of selling it, i hope TG does buy it 4 his dog so it can go ahead and loose it Smile
 Pseudo1821/11/2010 16:17:27 GMT
Very noble gesture, but I believe that such things should not be sold. He could give money and not sell souvenirs.

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