Phil Hellmuth is known for many, many things. However, we're going to make it brief. Phil is one the world's best and most successful tournament poker players. He's the ambassador for a very successful poker site, Ultimate Bet. However, he has a big problem, and that is that he has a very bad temper which makes him go on tilt for almost nothing.
There are plenty of clips on youtube and other sites where one can watch Phil Hellmuth get angry and frustrated after that another player has played a hand in a way he find stupid. Phil Hellmuth knows that this have costed him a lot of money, and therefore he has decided to do something about it. Sam Chauhan, a mindset coach, has been hired by Phil Hellmuth to help him cope with the difficulties being he. Chauhan has helped pros like Antonio Esfandiari and Gavin Smith before - with great results!
We will probably have to wait at least until 2010 WSOP before we'll get to see if Chauhan's expertise coaching has helped Phil.