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Joined: Dec '20
Location: Canada
Age: 63 (M)
Posts: 24
It depends and isn't consistent as I play multi player tournaments generally. Winnings can be pretty good at times when getting a win at the final table. Other month's I can grind away and finish in a negative $ situation. The key is to be consistent in getting to the final table, when that's achieved you are ready to play higher stakes. I play poker every day am an elite VIP player on a major poker can imply the rest. It took many years to reach this level and have confidence in my game to risk higher stakes.
Joined: Dec '20
Location: Canada
Age: 63 (M)
Posts: 24
Posted by Skpmorita: everyone would say that they are good at poker you cant judge your own skills poker depends on bankroll and stamina thats right stamina , you have to be mentally strong to handle the ups and downs and you have to be ready to play long hours also poker does depend on luck , so the best poker player of all time might not be famous cause he had bad luck and gave up with no bankroll you can play 12 hours in a tournament then you put your whole stack with the nuts on the turn thenn you lose on the river with only 2 outs then bye bye 12 hours , if you can handle that consistently then you have potential to be good player
Your comments are bang on. If a player has these abilities and get's lucky now and then success will come . Consistency and self discipline are important in poker as well. I play the same style no matter if the stakes are $1 or $100.
Joined: Dec '20
Location: Canada
Age: 63 (M)
Posts: 24
Posted by CALICUL: Philpax, i speak with another member, not with you. Good luck with your games
My apologies. I don't usually make comments but found this thread interesting. I just discovered the quote feature about 1/2 ago. It helps Have a great evening.