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High Stakes: Isildur1 returns to the tables

Tags: brian townsend, cole south, comeback, high stakes, isildur1, patrik antonius.
Posted on 01 June 2010 by "T".

In the past 1,5 month, Isildur1 almost hasn't played anything. Last week, however, he finally made a small comeback and played about 8000 hands. Lots and lots of spectators were following their favorite mystery swede and watched him win about $50k. Even though Isildur1 won - there is not much to say about the sessions he played. No remarkable plays whatsoever.

Are we ever going to see Isildur1 play the same crazy games as back in 2009? Many Isildur1 followers seem to have their doubts about that. Personally, I'm quite sure that it's not the last time we get to see Isildur1 winning and losing huge amounts of money. Lets hope I'm right!

Anyhow, last week in general didn't deliver much action. No one passed $200k in winnings and only 3 players won over $100k. Do we have to wait for the 2010 WSOP to finish before there are some interesting high stakes games going again?

Winners and losers of the previous week:

1. Observer84, $188 117

2. harrington25, $175 758

3. Brian Townsend, $153 652

4. Patrik Antonius, $98 374

5. UgotaBanana, $74 801

1. Cole South, -$305 810

2. KTPOKP, -$165 585

3. ginette22, -$147 609

4. POKERBLUFFS, -$124 438
5. Gus Hansen, -$109 621

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16 comments on "High Stakes: Isildur1 returns to the tables"

 mazas01/06/2010 08:27:16 GMT
ye p again money just spend and try to earn more
hansen this year on the loosing positions and again he claim top 5 looser off the week Smile

good luck all and be happy summer just start his show
 jessthehuman01/06/2010 09:59:41 GMT
"nyhow, last week in general didn't deliver much action. No one passed $200k in winnings"

True, but Cole South dropped >$300K i think that is notable.
 Pitiless01/06/2010 11:34:03 GMT
saw him playing yesterday on 4 omaha tables against urindanger, he is up 80k$
urin on tilt, and busted him account for higher limits
 Hajinnho01/06/2010 15:15:40 GMT
Posted by mazas:
ye p again money just spend and try to earn more
hansen this year on the loosing positions and again he claim top 5 looser off the week Smile

good luck all and be happy summer just start his show

Top 5? wow.
Congratulation Gus, good Job. Its always hard to get through to a Top 5!
 Davoodoo01/06/2010 16:31:52 GMT
I bet all the pros are focusing for this years main event after watching phil ivey going so deep last year ...
 xxxbchxxx02/06/2010 01:28:39 GMT
He'll never just up and leave now will he!
Not with all that money of his floating about.
Good to see Gus is paying a little back as well.
And well done Brian Townsend add that to the pot.
 teteban02/06/2010 02:19:01 GMT
THis guy gets on the table, loses it all, gets on again...
I wonder who is the dimwit that's backing him up...
 NaziPal02/06/2010 07:48:13 GMT
A mark of a true aggressive pro: He can just come in and win a considerable amount of money even without playing for 1 and 1/2 months. Cheers and more power to you ISILDUR1!
 DAGOR02/06/2010 16:42:50 GMT
Hello everyone!
Apparently the internet hight stake is calm. But not this will be the case in vegas lol ..
See you soon for new posts lol!
 MANUEDO02/06/2010 20:52:19 GMT
Ouch, there is a little mistake in the list of top winners: I don't see my nickname. Please Admin, could you correct it ? Blink
 kazman02/06/2010 22:40:19 GMT
i am actually watching him playing PLO, i think he should've better stay at nlhe and play there
 Hajinnho03/06/2010 00:46:42 GMT
Posted by Davoodoo:
I bet all the pros are focusing for this years main event after watching phil ivey going so deep last year ...

what i ask myself is, if isildur can really reject to play a world serious... have to imagine that, he will surely be there nobody noticing him...
 faukendoobin05/06/2010 01:46:07 GMT
it tough on these internet poker can't read facial expressions of tell tales....some people just sit back and wait till they have a killer hand before they bet.....this may be the only way they can be successful, but for all of those who have a set between their legs (excuse the expression ladies) will bet at least sometimes...... the point to poker isn't strictly based on have to try your luck sometimes
 ahhshucks05/06/2010 15:58:32 GMT
 MadMurkin06/06/2010 16:13:32 GMT
I'd love to be able to lose enough money to be in the top 5! That means you have at least 20x that amount behind you roughly, which would be very nice. I'd love to see a top pro go deep again like Ivey did.
 SuperNoob03/07/2010 16:39:18 GMT
he needs some money in his account to play like that again. lets hope he does come back when wsop is over so that we can see some high stakes action again. though we may not see him play super- long sessions again.

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