Poker news tagged with 'the great dane'

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Gus Hansen Wins $1.57 Million at Full Tilt!

Tags: full tilt poker, gus hansen, high stakes, isildur1, the great dane, the professionals, viktor blom denmark
Posted on 16 May 2013 by "T".

It's nothing new that Gus Hansen, of Denmark, has lost millions of dollars at Full Tilt Poker. Many of his fans hoped and prayed that things would change once the site reopened for business last year and signed him to its The Professionals, but the bitter truth is that he has continued to lose huge amounts month after month.

Read more » Gus Hansen Wins $1.57 Million at Full Tilt!


Gus Hansen Becomes First Ambassador of The New Full Tilt Poker

Tags: ambassador, denmark, full tilt, full tilt pro, gus hansen, the great dane
Posted on 03 October 2012 by "T".

Yesterday Full Tilt Poker revealed in a press release that its former pro Gus Hansen will be the first ambassador when the site re-launch on November 6, 2012. This is what Hansen had to say about his return to Full Tilt Poker.

"I'm very excited to represent the industry's most authentic poker brand," Hansen said in a press release. "Full Tilt Poker has the best games, most innovative software and the strongest poker community; to me this feels like coming home."

"Gus is one of the best-known and most respected names in the poker community," said Sarne Lightman, the newly-appointed Head of Marketing at Full Tilt Poker. "Gus has always embodied the best characteristics of the Full Tilt Poker brand and we are thrilled to have him return as an ambassador."


Best possible start of the new year for Gus Hansen

Tags: 2010, gus hansen, high stakes, poker, the great dane
Posted on 19 January 2010 by "T".

Gus Hansen had a really thought time last year. In total he lost about $5.5 million dollars. 2010, however, has started in the best possible way for the Dane. Even though there are almost another 2 weeks to go of January, he has already won about $800,000! Thanks to this great achievement, he's now the player who has won the most this year. If Gus continue playing this good, it's very possible that he gets back on track and makes up for money he lost last year.

Tom Dwan keeps on losing
Not all high stakes players have had as good start of the new year as Gus Hansen. Tom "durrrr" Dwan is one of them. Dwan has lost $365,000 so far and it seems like he needs to take a break and look over his own game before he can become a winning player again.


Good start to the New Year for Gus Hansen

Tags: 2010, gus hansen, high stakes, poker, the great dane
Posted on 06 January 2010 by "T".

Gus Hansen had a very hard time at the poker tables last year as he lost more than $5,5 million dollars, and probably another few millions in sportsbetting. Even though Gus probably can afford to lose this much and still play high stakes, he deiced to take a break and look over his own game. It seems like this break really has paid off, because 2010 has started in the best possible way for "The Great Dane."

Between 1 and 3 January, Gus Hansen has won over $200,000 in less than 600 hands. It seems like he has changed something in his game and is really hungry for revenge. However, it will for sure take a couple of months before we get to know whether or not Gus Hansen is going to be a big winner this year.



Hard times for Gus Hansen

Tags: full tilt, gus hansen, the great dane
Posted on 17 August 2009 by "T".

It's very hard times for Gus "The Great Dane" Hansen at the moment. Nothing is working out the way he wants, and he keeps on losing big. Gus Hansen, has lost over 4.8 million dollars at Full Tilt poker since April this year. One can't even imagine how it feels after losing so much money. Many people probably have asked themselves this question many times: Why don't poker players that have earned many millions of dollars stop playing when they have enough money to live the rest of their lifes in nothing but luxury?

The answer to that question in Mr. Gus Hansen's case is for sure his love for the game of poker and also because the kick he gets from playing on the highest stakes with lots of people watching him. We can be sure of one thing however. There is not a chance in the whole world that Gus Hansen will stop playing at the highest stakes until he has made of for all the losses.

We are looking forward to more action at the high stakes tables at Full Tilt poker this week. 


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